Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Animal Biotechnology

Programme enrolment: requirements, deadlines and methods

General information on admission requirements
Admission to the Second-Cycle degree programme in Animal Biotechnology requires possession of a first cycle degree or three-year university diploma,… Read more

Call for application

Information for those who subscribe to A.Y. 2024-2025

Admission to the master's degree program in Animal Biotechnology requires possession of a bachelor's degree or a three-year university diploma, or other degree obtained abroad and recognized as suitable. It is also necessary to possess curricular requirements and to pass a check on the adequacy of personal preparation

How to apply

To apply you must follow in detail the application process included in the admission procedure according to the deadlines below: 








From 19/02/2024
to 04/03/2024

From 15/04/2024
to 29/04/2024

From 10/06/2024
to 24/06/2024

From 02/08/2024
to 23/08/2024


From 13/03/2024

From 06/05/2024

From 05/07/2024

From 30/08/2024







From 05/04/2024

From 24/05/2024

From 19/07/2024



From 08/04/2024
to 21/11/2024

From 27/05/2024
to 21/11/2024

From 25/07/2024
to 21/11/2024

From 14/09/2024
to 21/11/2024


Warning: Those who apply for one of the four intake and do not do or do not pass the written test, may submit a new application to one of the following intake. 

Candidates will see the selection outcomes within the profile of Students Online. Students admitted can enrol on the dates set out in the table. 

Contents and test procedures

The written test will focus on the following topics: 


The test consists of 35 questions (5 for each topic) with multiple choices and will last 35 minutes. Each question will have 4 answers, of which only one will be correct. Each correct answer is worth one (1) point, while zero (0) points will be awarded for each wrong or not given answer.

Minimum score to pass the test is 20 points. 

The test will be delivered via EOL platform and will take place exclusively in-person on the days indicated in the general agenda at 9 am, at the computer lab of the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences (Via Tolara di Sopra n. 50, Ozzano dell'Emilia – Bologna)

To better prepare the test, the following text is recommended: "L’essenziale di Biologia molecolare della cellula” Alberts et al, ed. Zanichelli. 

The chapters, to be studied entirely and on which the test will focus, are: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8, 10, 11, 18, 19,20. 

N.B: The text recommended for use will be an important study aid throughout the two years of the course. 

In the attachments to this page you will find some sample questions on the topics of interest to check your preparation: BE CAREFUL, all topics covered in the indicated chapters may be asked!


Students with disabilities or SLD 

If you are a student with a disability or a student with a DSA, you can request an adjustment of the admission test by following the directions in Appendix 1 of the Admission Procedure. 

More information on the dedicated page of the Service for students with disabilities and SLD

International students 

If you have a foreign qualification consult the specific information
If you are a non-EU citizen residing abroad read the specific information

Assessment of the English language 

English language proficiency of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required for access to the Master degree programme.
This is tested at the same time as the B2 level proficiency test present in the teaching plan.
Passing the B2 level aptitude is a prerequisite for admission to the final examination.

Flexible path and student athlete status

If you have special needs and want to extend the duration of your studies, you can opt for the flexible path and apply after enrollment.
If you are a top student athlete you can apply for the "Dual career - student-athlete status" path.

Enrol in individual training activities

Those who do not pass the admission test can enroll in individual educational activities.
It is recommended to contact the coordinator, to decide which courses to take so as not to miss the entire year.

Tuition Fee Amounts

Tuition fees are calculated based on the 2024 ISEE value with special subsidies in relation to the right to higher education. First year students with an ISEE of less than or equal to € 27,000. Above this limit, tuition fees are calculated progressively.

The ISEE value must be submitted, even if you have not enrolled in the Degree Programme, by 30 October 2024, at 6:00pm (or by 15 November 2024, at 6:00pm, paying a 100 € penalty) accessing ER-GO Online Services, alternatively you will have to pay the full amount.

If you are an international student, verify how your tuition fees will be calculated according to your country of origin and the country where your family has income and assets.

Read all information about tuition fees and exemptions.


After you have checked that all the admission requirements have been met, you can enrol on  Studenti Online:

  1. fill in the application for matriculation with the required information and attach a passport photo in digital format;
  2. pay the first instalment of your tuition fees;
  3. follow the instructions to complete the procedure which you will find on Studenti Online according to your profile.