Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Animal Biotechnology

Information on writing a dissertation

Choosing the subject and the rules on preparing the dissertation for the final examination.

Choosing and proposing the dissertation subject

The title of the thesis must be agreed with the supervisor by the student.

The subject of the dissertation must be chosen from among the course units in the student’s study plan. The Degree Programme Board must authorize the preparation of dissertation on topics other than those included in the study plan.

Editorial rules

The basic editorial rules are:

  • length of the text, roughly between 50,000 and 100,000 bars (including spaces)
  • Times New Roman or Arial fonts;
  • typeface of 12 or 13 points (10 points for notes );
  • right-left and upper-lower margins of 2,5 cm;
  • 1,5 cm interline.

Within the online graduation application the candidate will have to write the abstract of the dissertation.

The text must not exceed 2000 characters which must include a brief recap, the methodology followed and the main results achieved.

The abstract, as well as the text of the dissertation, must also be submitted to the supervisor before sending. 

The new guidelines “Use of the University trademark in Final examination” allows you to include the trademark on the cover and the frontispiece of your dissertation. All information and permitted templates can be found at  the dedicated page.

Final grade

Effective from the first useful session for the academic year 2022/2023.

The Degree Programme Board evaluates the candidate with regard to his curriculum and the fnal examination; the Board’s evaluation is expressed in one hundred and tenth.

The test is passed with a minimum vote of 66/110. The Degree Porgramme Board may grant, in the event of a maximum vote (110/110), summa cum laude by unanimous decision.

The Board is provided with a document, where the starting point average for teacher evaluations and the student’s career perspective is shown.

To the score given by the weighted average of the votes reported by the candidate are added:

  • 0.25 points for every 30 and Honours (up to a maximum of 1 point);
  • 1 point if the Candidate graduates underway;
  • 1 point for thesis of high scientific value made at accredited foreign institutions (in compliance with the Resolution of the Degree Programme Board on 5th December 2022);
  • up to 3 points available to the Co-supervisor appointed by the Chairperson for his/her knowledge of the subject matter of the thesis paper;
  • up to 3 points available to the Degree Programme Board, which will take due account of the Supervisor's judgement.

The Degree Board, taking into account the discussion of the dissertation and the candidate’s curriculum, will decide the final vote that will be proclaimed during graduation sessions.