Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Animal Biotechnology

Preparing the study plan

Information on how to prepare and present a study plan


The study plan is the complete set of exams that you need to sit in order to graduate. Some exams are compulsory, while others are elective.


Students must complete their study plan during the following open periods:

From October, 10th to November, 21st 2024

  • Students enrolled in 1st year has to choose the elective course unit;
  • Students enrolled in 2nd year has to choose the method of carrying out the final exam and the curricular Internship; they can also amend the choice made for the elective course units at their 1st

 From March, 20th to April, 10th 2025

  • Students enrolled in 1st year can amend the choice made for the elective course units;
  • ONLY students enrolled in 2nd year can choose/amend the method of carrying out the final exam and the curricular Internship.


To make the choice:

  • Regularly enrolled students should log on to Studenti Online and fill out the study plan section.
  • Students “fuori corso” (past envisaged completion time for the degree programme) who wish to change the study plan submitted in the previous years should fill out the paper form in the "Attachments" box and send it exclusively to the Student Administration Office  (

ATTENTION! Students “fuori corso” can amend the study plan JUST in case they finalize their enrollment for the A.Y. 2024/2025, paying the relevant fees. If they go for this option, they won't be able to take advantage of the March 2026 graduation session (the last session of A.Y. 2024/2025).

Students enrolled in 1st year

Students enrolled in 1st year must complete their study plan by including elective course units from those proposed by theDegree Programme listed in the course structure diagram.

The amount of CFUs of electives that has to be compulsorily obtained are 8.

Electives that don't obtain an adequate number of students (minimum 5) will not be activated. The Student Administration Office will contact interested students to choose teaching activities to replace those not activated.

Students enrolled in 2nd year

Students enrolled in the second year must complete their study plan indicating:

  • How the curricular internship will be carried out in Italy (85376) or abroad (85375);
  • The method of carrying out the final exam: Final Examination LM (82328) or Preparation for the final Dissertation (81355 - abroad / 44304 - in Italy) + Final Examination LM (85374 - Discussion)