Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Animal Biotechnology


Professional profiles

professional profile



The master's degree graduate in Animal Biotechnology is a highly qualified professional with skills in:


  • apply the techniques of genomics and proteomics for the diagnosis of diseases;
  • apply biomolecular techniques for diagnosis, study of epidemiology andetiopathogenesis of infectious and parasitic diseases;
  • apply biomolecular methods to pharmacology for the production of biotechnological vaccines and gene therapy for human and veterinary use;
  • collaborate with infectivologists, parasitologists, epidemiologists,veterinary physicians, and pharmacologists.


  • perform, design and coordinate activities in biomedical, veterinary, translational research and animal experimentation;
  • design and develop protocols for the establishment and manipulation of embryonic and adult stem cell cultures of animal origin;
  • design and develop alternative in vitro and ex vivo methods for drug toxicological and pathogenetic studies;
  • collaborate with physicians, veterinarians, pharmacologists, and bioinformaticians.


  • assess the genetic and reproductive quality of animals;
  • apply methodologies inherent in reproductive techniques in medical,veterinary and biomedical fields in relation to the preservation of biodiversity and production of transgenic animals;
  • collaborate with gynecologists, veterinary physicians, biologists, geneticists.


  • apply official international and biomolecular methods for traceability, sanitation and food quality control;
  • apply biomolecular methods for the identification of the presence ofveterinary drugs and xenobiotics of environmental origin in food matrices;
  • apply innovative systems in Nutritional Biotechnology for the optimization of livestock production;
  • collaborate with human and veterinary nutritionists.

The skills acquired in the degree programme development areas enable the master's degree student in Animal Biotechnology to carry out the following activities:

  • quality control of feed and medical products in the feed industry;
  • design and technological research for genetic selection of animals of livestock interest with the aim of preserving biodiversity;
  • design and development of projects in the clinical-therapeutic field in a multidisciplinary context;
  • execution of medically assisted procreation programs in human and veterinary fields;
  • pharmaceutical technical and scientific information.

In addition to the necessary technical skills pertinent to the field of veterinary biotechnology, the professional figure of the master's degree graduate in Animal Biotechnology must possess the following transversal skills:

  • critical sense, ability to use deductive reasoning in applying general rules to particular problems;
  • problem-solving skills by gathering useful information to evaluate possible options and identifying cause and effect;
  • analytical and critical thinking skills, including those applied to data evaluation;
  • independence of judgment about the efficacy and suitability of experimental protocols;
  • ability to identify and evaluate ethical issues related to the use of animal testing protocols;
  • ability to apply the scientific method and to write technical-scientific reports in Italian and English;
  • transversal organizational-managerial and planning skills, in accordance with the level of autonomy and responsibility assigned in relation to the main stakeholders (colleagues, other professionals and public and/or private clients);
  • know how to organize and manage time;
  • know how to apply the basic principles of Business Development and the most effective communication methods/languages for each type of interlocutor (investor, marketing, medical management, researcher).

The master's degree graduate in Animal Biotechnology can find career opportunities in the following professional fields*:

  • Public and private, national and international universities and research organizations
  • National Health Service facilities;
  • Experimental Zooprophylactic Institutes;
  • Public and private, human and veterinary testing laboratories;
  • Commercial offices for consulting on biotechnology-related areas and in the area of patents and intellectual property;
  • Diagnostic and Pharmaceutical Industry;
  • Biotech Industry;
  • Veterinary Industry;
  • Notified and certifying Institutions;
  • Clinical trial monitoring (CRA or Clinical Monitor, CM);
  • National and international regulatory agencies;
  • Patent offices;
  • Technology transfer companies;
  • Scientific publishing and communication companies;
  • Sector associations (scientific, industry, patient);
  • Institutions (Ministry of Health)

*After taking the National State Examination, the Master's Degree in Animal Biotechnology graduate will be able to enroll in the Register of Biologists sect. A, which is useful for the purpose of practicing freelance.

Continuing to study

It gives access to 3rd cycle studies (Phd/Postgraduate schools) and 2nd level university master's degree.