Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Animal Biotechnology

Recognition of Work or Extracurricular Activities in lieu of Professional Practical Training

A student who has performed extracurricular activities consistent with her/his educational path may request recognition of these activities in place of an Professional Practical Training, if permitted by the course's regulations.

Extracurricular activities refer to work or similar activities, such as independently arranged Professional Practical Trainings with other recognized organizations outside the university (e.g., an Employment Agency accredited by the Ministry of Labour).

You can submit a recognition request:

-at any time during the year;

-regardless of the existence of an agreement between the University and the hosting organization where the extracurricular activity was carried out;

-after including the Professional Practical Training in your study plan;

-if the owner, manager, partner, or executive of the organization where the activity was performed is not a relative within the 2nd degree.

To request recognition, you need to submit the following to the Student Office:

-a recognition application for credits earned through extracurricular activities with a €16 revenue stamp applied, completed and signed;

-an attestation of the activity carried out, written by the hosting organization, completed and signed;

-a final Professional Practical Training report.

The recognition request is evaluated by the Course Council (CdS), in coordination with the Professional Practical Training delegate of the CdS.

The maximum limit of recognizable CFU is 12; however, this limit does not apply to the recognition of activities related to the preparation of the final examination (e.g., Professional Practical Training for the final examination, international Professional Practical Training for the final examination).

The outcome of the evaluation will be communicated by the Student Office within 60 days of the request's submission. In the case of a positive outcome, the Professional Practical Training will be recorded in the academic record without the need for student intervention.