Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Curriculum Applied critical archaeology and heritage Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World

Programme enrolment: requirements, deadlines and methods

General information on admission requirements
In order to complete the two-year Master's programme in ARCHAEOLOGY AND CULTURES OF THE ANCIENT WORLD successfully, students are expected to have: -… Read more

Call for application Curriculum in Applied Critical Archaeology and Heritage - ACRA a.y.24/25 - CLOSED

Call for application Curriculum in Applied Critical Archaeology and Heritage - ACRA a.y.25/26 Please, note that the new Call and the admission requirements are currently under definition and will be published as soon as possibile

Second cycle degree

Master in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World

Class of second cycle degree LM-2


Information regarding the processing of personal data is available at: The university has been working to raise awareness of and to address gender stereotypes. In this context, it has been decided to give greater linguistic visibility to gender differences. Where, solely for the sake of simplicity, the masculine form is used in this document, it is understood as referring to all persons who work within the community.

The second cycle degree/Master program in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World is a 2-year (120 ECTS credits) free access degree program with assessment of personal competencies and skills. It offers two curricula: Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World (in Italian) and Applied Critical Archaeology and Heritage (in English). 

The International Curriculum in Applied Critical Archaeology and Heritage - ACRA is entirely taught in English and offers specific courses and services of welcoming and support to students enrolled. Non-EU applicants shall also comply with terms and procedures to enroll in Italian universities by contacting Italian embassies/consulates in the country of origin. More information:

To be eligible for admission, applicants must have: 1) a good humanistic culture, which allows to historically contextualize the notions and data that will be obtained from the study and research in the specifically archaeological field. 2) A basic knowledge of the archaeological method and its application in some specific territorial and chronological context.

Applications will be assessed by the Admission Board in accordance with the procedure outlined below.

Candidates that are not admitted (that have been invited to the interview by the Admission Board but their interview has not been evaluated as successful for the admission to the degree programme) may not apply for other intakes.

INTAKE 1 (reserved to EU/non-EU graduated candidates + EU/non – EU not graduated yet candidates)



1.                  Applications open

30 November 2023

2.                  Applications close

8 January 2024

3.                  Invitation to the interview

15 January 2024

4.                  Interview

From 22 January to 2 February 2024


INTAKE 2 (reserved to EU/non-EU graduated candidates + EU/non – EU not graduated yet candidates)



1.                  Applications open

1 February 2024

2.                  Applications close

11 March 2024

3.                  Invitation to the interview

18 March 2024

4.                  Interview

From 25 March to 5 April 2024

INTAKE 3 (reserved to EU/non-EU graduated candidates + EU/non – EU not graduated yet candidates)



1.      Applications open

22 April 2024

2.      Applications close

3 June 2024

3.      Invitation to the interview

10 June 2024

4.      Interview

From 17 June to 28 June 2024

INTAKE 4 (reserved to EU graduated candidates ONLY)



1.      Applications open

3 July 2024

2.      Applications close

26 August 2024

3.      Invitation to the interview

2 September 2024

4.      Interview

From 9 September to 20 September 2024


To be eligible for admission, candidates must:

a) hold a first-cycle/bachelor's degree with at least a score of 80/110 (or equivalent) according to the Italian National Qualification Framework (for applicants with an Italian degree - or a degree obtained abroad complying with the requirements set in the Notice of the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) for a.y. 2024/25 which is published on the website
Students who are about to graduate (who have completed all the exams and only have to take the final examination, where applicable) can also apply. The application procedures are outlined in Section 2 – HOW TO APPLY;

b) meet the CURRICULAR REQUIREMENTS outlined in section 1.1.

c) meet the LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS and, specifically, proficiency in English equivalent to at least B2 level, to be demonstrated according to the procedures set out in section 1.1

d) have their PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS positevely assessed in accordance with the procedures set out in section 1.2.

1.1- Curricular and language requirements


Prospective students are expected to be familiar with tools, languages and research methodologies in the humanities. They must also possess a critical view and insight into the past, and to be aware of the dynamic nature of historiography and academic discourse under the larger frameworks of time and culture. Students familiar with comparative methods, spatial, chronological and thematic approaches toward historiographical research are encouraged to apply. Students must also have the ability to interact both in oral and written English.

The following curricular requirements must be met:

1) hold a first cycle/bachelor’s degree with at least a score of 80/110 (or equivalent) according to the Italian National Qualification Framework in:



c. L-42 STORIA







or any equivalent degree achieved in another educational system;

2) have achieved at least 20 ECTS in one or more of the following subject areas (only for applicants with an Italian degree):

a. Archeologia e antichità classiche e medievali L-ANT/01 - Preistoria e protostoria L-ANT/04 - Numismatica L-ANT/05 - Papirologia L-ANT/06 - Etruscologia e antichità italiche LANT/07 - Archeologia classica L-ANT/08 - Archeologia cristiana e medievale L-ANT/09 -Topografia antica L-ANT/10 - Metodologie della ricerca archeologica L-ART/01 - Storia dell'arte medievale L-ART/04 - Museologia e critica artistica e del restauro

b. Formazione tecnica, scientifica giuridica BIO/08 - Antropologia ICAR/06 -Topografia e cartografia ICAR/18 -Storia dell'architettura ICAR/19 - Restauro FIS/07 - Fisica applicata (a beni culturali, ambientali, biologia e medicina) GEO/01 - Paleontologia e paleoecologia GEO/11 - Geofisica applicata CHIM/12 - Chimica dell'ambiente e dei beni culturali IUS/10 - Diritto amministrativo M-DEA/01 Discipline demoetnoantropologiche

c. Archeologia e antichità orientali L-OR/02 - Egittologia e civiltà copta L-OR/03 - Assiriologia LOR/05 - Archeologia e storia dell'arte del Vicino Oriente antico L-OR/06 - Archeologia fenicio-punica L-OR/16 - Archeologia e storia dell'arte dell'India e dell'Asia centrale LOR/20 - Archeologia, storia dell'arte e filosofie dell'Asia orientale

3) have achieved at least 5 ECTS in one or more of the following subject areas (only for applicants with an Italian degree):

Storia antica e medievale L-ANT/02 - Storia greca L-ANT/03 - Storia romana L-OR/01 - Storia del Vicino Oriente antico M-STO/01- Storia medievale M-STO/09 - Paleografia

4) have achieved at least 5 ECTS in one or more of the following subject areas (only for applicants with an Italian degree) :

Lingue e letterature antiche e medievali L-FIL-LET/01 - Civiltà egee L-FIL-LET/02 - Lingua e letteratura greca L-FIL/LET/04 - Lingua e letteratura latina L-FIL-LET/05 - Filologia classica L-FIL-LET/06 - Letteratura cristiana antica L-FIL-LET/07 - Civiltà bizantina LFIL- LET/08 - Letteratura latina medievale e umanistica.

The Admission Board might nevertheless take into consideration applicants with an Italian bachelor’s degree who do not meet the above-mentioned requirements or applicants who hold a foreign bachelor’s degree and invite them to the interview.


The Admission Board will ONLY consider applicants who hold a certificate of English language proficiency at the B2 level (or higher) (CEFR or equivalent). A list of recognized certificates is available here:;

The English language requirement may be also fulfilled by:

  • submitting a self-certification being a native English speaker;
  • submitting a bachelor’s/master's degree with English as medium of instruction.

1.2- Assessment of personal knowledge and skills

Applicants who hold an Italian first cycle/bachelor’s degree and meet all the curricular requirements with at least a score of 80/110 (or equivalent) (1.1) will meet personal knowledge and skills and will be admitted to the degree programme.

The Admission Board will invite to the online interview on Ms Teams:

  • Applicants who hold an Italian degree and do not meet the curricular requirements and/or with a score lower than 80/110 (1.1).
  • Applicants who hold a foreign bachelor’s degree achieved in another educational system.

EU applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree can apply to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th intake.

Non – EU applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree can apply ONLY to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd intake.

EU and non – EU applicants who are not yet graduated can apply ONLY to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd intake.


Applications must be submitted within the timeframe set by each intake in accordance with the following procedure.

1. Log onto Studenti OnLine (, using your SPID username and password. The system will automatically retrieve your personal details and at the end of the process it will generate your University credentials (
International students who do not hold an ID document issued in Italy and, therefore, cannot obtain SPID credentials, may log in with their University username and password; to obtain them log onto StudentiOnline (, click on “Register” and then “International Student Registration”.

2. Click on "APPLY FOR ADMISSION", select "SECOND-CYCLE DEGREE" and choose the programme named " Applied Critical Archaeology and Heritage – ACRA international curriculum";

3. UPLOAD the required documents in PDF format:


  • For students holding a qualification obtained outside the University of Bologna - A copy of the front and back of a valid identity document. If the identity document does not have an English translation, a copy of your passport must be attached.

  • For students holding a qualification obtained outside the University of Bologna - Self-certification regarding your first-cycle academic qualification with a list of completed exams, if obtained in Italy, or a copy of the qualification obtained abroad which enables access to second-cycle degree programmes in the country in which it was obtained. This must be submitted along with a Transcript of Records and a Diploma Supplement, where available, translated into Italian or English. If you have not yet obtained the aforementioned qualification, upload the list of completed exams or the Transcript of Records.

  • Certificate attesting English language competency (OR self-certification being a native English speaker or bachelor’s/master's degree with English as medium of instruction);



Students who are about to graduate (who have completed all the exams and only have to take the final examination, where applicable) can also apply. They will be admitted to the degree programme on the condition that they obtain their undergraduate degree by and no later than November 18, 2024, otherwise they will be excluded.


An Admission Board will check candidates' academic backgrounds and whether they meet the requirements for admission.

The Admission Board is composed of: prof. Maurizio Cattani (Chairman), prof. Andrea Gaucci (Member), prof. Francesco Iacono (Secretary).

Professors delivering classes in the first and second year of the degree programme may also sit on the committee as alternative members.

Candidates will be notified about admission to the degree programme via Studenti Online ( and via email on their institutional email address .

Candidates that are not admitted (that have been invited to the interview by the Admission Board but their interview has not been evaluated as successful for the admission to the Degree Programme) may not apply for other intakes.



If you are admitted to the degree programme, you will be able to enrol starting from the date indicated at the end of each intake. To enrol, you should complete the following steps.

1. Log on to Studenti OnLine ( using your SPID credentials or entering the username and password obtained upon submission of your application.

2. Select "Enrolment”, then select “Second-cycle Degree”, and then the degree programme “Applied Critical Archaeology and Heritage (ACRA) international curriculum” and enter the required data, attaching a .jpg file containing a passport-size photo of your face. In case you made false statements you will incur in fines set by art. 496 of the Penal Code and you will automatically lose the right to enrol and will not be entitled to any financial aid (when obtained). You will not be refunded of the expenses you sustained.

3. Pay the first instalment following the instructions provided on Studenti OnLine ( After paying the enrolment fee, check the details of your enrolment application on Studenti OnLine ( to verify your next steps and activate your student career.
Your student career must be activated by the deadline set on a yearly basis by the Academic Bodies, which is set on February 28, 2025 for a.y. 2024/25, otherwise your enrolment will be cancelled.

4.1 - Particular cases

  • If you are a University of Bologna graduate, the IT system will automatically update the data concerning graduation after you obtain the qualification.

If you are graduating from a different institution, check your next steps on Studenti OnLine (

The documentation which you submitted for admission to the degree programme (e.g. diploma, Transcript of Records…) must be translated and bear proof of authenticity when applicable

You will need to upload the documents concerning your international qualification on Studenti OnLine ( in the section “Calls” by selecting "Matriculation for the 24_25 academic year - document upload for international students with foreign qualifications”.

When you arrive at the University of Bologna, you will be required to make an appointment with the International Student Administration Office in Bologna or the Student Administration Office of your campus in order to show the original copies of your documentation.


5.1- Tuition fees

Information concerning the amount of tuition fees, financial aid and fee waiver are available on the University website at

Tuition fees to be paid in order to enrol in a degree programme consist of a fixed part of € 157.04 and a variable part which is calculated according to the economic situation of the household (ISEE) up to a maximum that varies depending on the degree programme.

Tuition fees are calculated progressively on the basis of a valid ISEE certificate, only if this is submitted in compliance with relevant regulations and within the deadlines, as detailed at

If no ISEE certificate is submitted, the maximum tuition envisaged for the degree programme will be applied.

ISEE submission is not linked to the enrolment process. The order in which you carry out the two procedures is irrelevant, as long as you meet the deadlines for each one.

5.2- ER.GO benefits

On a yearly basis, the Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education – ER.GO publishes calls for grants, accommodation in student residences, meal vouchers and other benefits on the website
The procedures to request ER.GO benefits are also independent of the degree programme application and enrolment process.

5.3- Other economic benefits

Information on other economic benefits can be found on the University website in the following section
If you hold a certificate demonstrating recognised invalidity of at least 66% or a certificate complying with Law 104/92, in order to benefit from the fee waiver, you should send the certificate via email to the relevant Student Administration Office. For further information:

5.4- Important information for students who already have an active career

If you already have an active student career, before starting the transfer or degree programme switch process you should carefully read the merit requirements to access benefits. These are detailed in the call for applications available at
You are strongly advised to do this because after the transfer/degree programme switch your career will be evaluated starting from the first year of enrolment at University, regardless of the recognised exams or the course year that you are admitted to. This may cause the loss of benefits.


Communications will be sent only to your Unibo e-mail address:


Curriculum in Applied Critical Archaeology and Heritage - ACRA 


Info about the degree program or further help


International Desk


how to enrol for international students, immigration procedures, guidance on arrival in Italy.

International Student Administration Office


Submitting documents and completion of matriculation to degree programmes in Bologna, for students with foreign qualifications

Student Administration Office in Humanities


Fulfillment of administrative requirements during their time at University

Help Desk Studenti Online Application


    Tuition Fee Amounts

    Tuition fees are calculated based on the 2024 ISEE value with special subsidies in relation to the right to higher education. First year students with an ISEE of less than or equal to € 27,000. Above this limit, tuition fees are calculated progressively.

    The ISEE value must be submitted, even if you have not enrolled in the Degree Programme, by 30 October 2024, at 6:00pm (or by 15 November 2024, at 6:00pm, paying a 100 € penalty) accessing ER-GO Online Services, alternatively you will have to pay the full amount.

    If you are an international student, verify how your tuition fees will be calculated according to your country of origin and the country where your family has income and assets.

    Read all information about tuition fees and exemptions.


    After you have checked that all the admission requirements have been met, you can enrol on  Studenti Online:

    1. fill in the application for matriculation with the required information and attach a passport photo in digital format;
    2. pay the first instalment of your tuition fees;
    3. follow the instructions to complete the procedure which you will find on Studenti Online according to your profile.