Curriculum Applied critical archaeology and heritage
Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World

Programme aims

The aim of ACRA is to provide an academically sound, critical and practice-oriented knowledge of archaeology and cultural heritage, with a global geographic focus.

The students that will successfully accomplish the program will be able to

a) identify and actively engage with major debates within archaeology and related sub-disciplines, helping them to further their subsequent research career, enabling them to design and conduct independent research

b) promote the role of archaeology and related heritage in the broader society, through a variety of communication strategies

c) effectively work in the field with critical awareness, mediating interests and stakes of different actors and interest groups connected to cultural heritage.

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Find out more about the Ministerial Single Annual Report (SUA-CdS - Single Annual Report on Degree Programmes)

Corso di Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World - codice 8855
Second cycle graduates are skilled in the new methodologies and techniques of archaeology and in traditional historical,philological and artistic disciplines. Students of the 2nd cycle degree programme must have at least basic knowledge of the… Read more