Curriculum Applied critical archaeology and heritage
Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World


Depending on the modules undertaken, students of this program will be able to effectively forge their own career.

While scientific and area-specific options will allow them to continue a research path, critical/heritage-oriented options can result in alternative placements within agencies and institutions working in the broad and burgeoning heritage sector at a private, public, national and supra-national level.

The presence of a considerable amount of practice lead activities (on the field and in labs) will equally enable students to pursue more traditional pathways as well as to be well trained towards a modern development-led archaeology.

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Corso di Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World - codice 8855
Professional profiles professional profile Archaeologist Role in the professional context: The archaeologist as a profession is not governed by any specific regulations and there is no specific professional… Read more