Curriculum Applied critical archaeology and heritage
Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World

Senior Seminars

Short courses and lectures taught by guests and visitings from all over the world

The Senior Seminars are the premier archaeology and heritage series in English language at the University of Bologna.

The range of topics is extremely diverse, covering the whole multidisciplinary spectrum of current archaeology and heritage research.

This year, the series will be held in-class at the Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2, 40124, Bologna.

Academic CoordinatorProf. Annalisa Marzano


Critical Island Archaeology and Heritage

Dr. Helen Dawson  (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)

Critical and Engaged Island Archaeology: The “Loss of Innocence”

September 26th, 2024 • 5:00 pm • Room: Aula GAMBI 1st floor and TEAMS

Dr. Helen Dawson (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)

Endangered global island heritage: challenges and prospects

October  10th, 2024 •  5:00 pm •  Room : Aula CAPITANI ground floor and TEAMS

Prof. Barbara Borg (Normale, Pisa) 

Mapping the social history of Rome: the emergence of a Christian cult on the Via Appia and the in-Rome Project

November 27th, 2024 • 5:00 pm - •  Room : Aula CAPITANI ground floor

Dr. Angela Trentacoste (British School at Rome)

Isotopic approaches to pastoral strategies in complex societies: Methods, opportunities, and challenges

December 4th, 2024 •  11:00 am •  Room : Aula GAMBI first floor

Evi Margaritis and Michael Boyd (The Cyprus Institute British School at Athens)

Domesticity, Craft production and ritual: Changing patterns of human life in 3rd millennium Aegean

January 14, 2025 • 3:00 pm • Room: Aula CAPITANI ground floor and TEAMS


Upcoming confirmed date (exact speaker and title to be announced):

Students are either expected to attend eight (8) seminars or six (6) seminars and one (1) short course over the course of two years. Senior Seminar is a pass/no pass class and, in order to get 6 credits (CFU), students are required to deliver a 3000 - words cumulative paper on the seminars attended, starting from the exam session in June.

Students must email their paper to or and register on AlmaEsami one week before the exam date. Students do not need to be present at the exam.