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Emanuele Bacchiocchi

Associate Professor

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Ricevimento studenti 27/05/2024 annullato

Published on 2024-05-27 08:31:12

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Guglielmo Barone

Full Professor

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Mascia Bedendo

Full Professor

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Marco Bigelli

Full Professor

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Corporate Finance, CLABE, grades (Dec 18, 2020)

Published on 2020-12-21 14:29:50

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Maria Bigoni

Full Professor

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Pietro Biroli

Associate Professor

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Maria Elena Bontempi

Associate Professor

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Riunione informativa scambi Erasmus

Published on 2024-01-11 13:50:34

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Laura Bottazzi

Full Professor

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Luca Bungaro

Adjunct professor

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Nadia Burani

Associate Professor

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Emanuele Campiglio

Associate Professor

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Sirio Capizzi

Adjunct professor

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Lorenzo Cerboni-Baiardi

Associate Professor

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Jonathan Neil Chapman

Associate Professor

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Umberto Cherubini

Full Professor

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Anatole Cheysson

Adjunct professor

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Simona Cosma

Associate Professor

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Lorenzo Dal Maso

Associate Professor

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Elisabetta De Cao

Associate Professor

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Claudia Desogus

Adjunct professor

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Davide Dragone

Full Professor

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Daniele Fabbri

Full Professor

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Salvatore Federico

Full Professor

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Gianluca Fiorentini

Full Professor

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Fabio Gobbi

Adjunct professor

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Roberto Golinelli

Full Professor

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Martin Gonzalez Eiras

Associate Professor

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Stephanie Heger

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Daniela Iorio

Associate Professor

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Nicola Lacetera

Full Professor

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Luca Lambertini

Full Professor

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Giuseppe Lusignani

Full Professor

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Paolo Luciano Adalberto Manasse

Full Professor

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Lezione Macro Avanzata del 23 e 25 maggio 2023

Published on 2023-05-22 08:19:45

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Giovanna Marchianò

Associate Professor

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Published on 2023-02-01 09:18:59

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Massimiliano Marzo

Associate Professor

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Filippo Massari

Associate Professor

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Adelajda Matuka

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Mario Mazzocchi

Full Professor

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Graziano Moramarco

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Pier Luigi Morara

Adjunct professor

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Rosa Mulè

Associate Professor

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office hour

Published on 2021-01-26 17:40:04

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Raimondello Orsini

Associate Professor

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Federico Parmeggiani

Adjunct professor

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Silvia Sarpietro

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Antonello Eugenio Scorcu

Full Professor

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Comunicazioni via email

Published on 2017-11-25 12:24:53

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Alessandro Tavoni

Full Professor

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Job announcement: Postdoc(s)

Published on 2023-04-28 16:15:23

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Riccardo Tedeschi

Adjunct professor

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Fabrizio Tediosi

Adjunct professor

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Denni Tommasi

Associate Professor

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Lorenzo Torricelli

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Federico Toth

Full Professor

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Maria Pia Victoria Feser

Full Professor

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