Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Applied economics and markets

Programme aims

The Second-Cycle Degree Programme inApplied Economics and Markets aims to train high-calibre applied economists invarious areas of the economic world. Specifically, the aim is to trainprofessional figures such as financial economists, international monetaryeconomists, macro-financial economists, economists who are experts in local,national and international industrial sectors, economists who are experts inthe management and strategic decision-making of companies and private entities,and economists who are experts in the evaluation and analysis of futureeconomic trends. The programme is delivered entirely in English.

The curriculum includes a first year ofcourse units aimed at strengthening the foundations already acquired in afirst-cycle degree programme. Specifically, course units will be taught in thequantitative (mathematical-statistical-informatics), economic, econometric andlegal fields. The second year, on the other hand, is split into two tracks, onefocusing on monetary and financial economics, the other on the measurement andmodelling of economic phenomena. Each of the two tracks will consist of twocore course units in finance and business disciplines and three subjects chosenby the student from a range of possibilities, indicated in the teachingregulations, which will contribute to the training of one of theabove-mentioned professionals. The student will also be given the opportunityto choose additional elective course units and curricular activities, includingcompany internships. The degree programme concludes with the final examination,consisting of the writing and public discussion of a dissertation.

Graduates' skills will enable them to beemployed in planning and organisation, design and execution of developmentplans, evaluation of strategic aspects of choices and their economic andfinancial repercussions. Knowledge of economic phenomena and the laws ofmarkets, the ability to relate macro- and micro-economic phenomena to eachother, and to use the categories of interpretation of the analysis inherent toeconomics, will constitute the graduates' characterising educationalbackground. The degree programme includes a core of core course units thatprovide a solid education in economics and the acquisition of advanced skillsin quantitative methods for economic forecasting and economic-financialanalysis. It also includes a series of lectures aimed at investigating morespecialised topics in the areas of industrial organisation, financialintermediation, economic policy and environmental economics.