Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Advanced automotive electronic engineering

Classrooms, labs and libraries

Lecture halls

Lecture halls of varying size are mainly located at the Risorgimento Campus, with few of them in Via Saragozza, 10. While equipped differently, they all offer the University WIFI system free of charge.

Study rooms

Study rooms at the Risorgimento Campus are open from Monday to Friday, between 8.30 am and 7.30 pm.


Our laboratories enable you to try out the knowledge you have acquired. They represent a point of reference for your learning activities, thanks to the technologies available, the learning methods employed and the support provided by tutors with in-depth experience of laboratory work. The DEI Department takes full advantage of the following teaching labs:

  • LAB 1

    The lab provides 26 work stations equipped with Workstation DELL in Windows 10. In the lab are carried out exercises regarding a wide range of disciplines as : Automatic Control Systems, Basic Electronics, Bioengineering, Electronic Measurements, Telecommunication Systems, Control System Technologies, Information Technology, Optical Signal Processing, Etc.

  • LAB 7

    The LAB7 is placed within the LAB1 and it is equipped with 24 workstations: 12 Fujitsu Workstations reserved for the Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering courses and  12 DELL Workstations for the Telecommunications Network course.

  • Lab of Industrial Computing (I2L)

    The laboratory represents a teaching resource for industrial applications in the IT and Automation areas. It is equipped with 9 "general-purpose" PC workstations, several industrial micro-controllers and a small-sized robot manipulator associated with an "educational" assembly line.



Our Degree Programme uses the Library of the School of Engineering and Architecture "G. P. Dore" Library. The University of Bologna offers an extensive network of structures, library and document reference services. In particular, you can use the facilities of the humanities sector and the libraries covering law, economics and political sciences and social sciences. Additional information is available on the University Library System website.