Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Biomedical engineering


The curricular internship for the final examination might be carried out both within the University or at an external structure, and requires the constant participation of the students in the practical activities foreseen by the Host organization. The activities undertaken will be used by the students in their dissertation, as previously agreed with the supervisor. Therefore, internships for the final examination are usually aimed at final-year students. In order to apply for a curricular internship for final examination, students need to add the activity in their study plan.

Internships are carried out on the basis of an agreement between the University of Bologna and the Host Structure (company, public body, professional firm etc.), and of an internship programme signed by all the parties concerned.

The internship activity shall not be carried out at a structure or entity in which the legal representative, any of its associates, or its director or managing director has family relationships or ties up to the 2nd degree with the applicant student. 


Unless otherwise established by national or European regulations, internships normally have a duration of 25 hours for every credit (CFU) assigned to this type of activity in the Degree Programme’s course structure diagram (for instance, 6 CFU correspond to a 150-hour internship).

Internships must be completed within 12 months of their starting date.

How to choose the Host Structure

How to choose the Host Structure and how to activate the internship

Internships can be carried out both within the University or at external structures, in Italy or abroad.

A) Internship at a partner Structure

Students need to log on using their University username and password. In the homepage you will be able to see:

- The list of curricular internships positions offered by partner structures (Hosts that have undersigned an agreement with the University of Bologna). Once you identify a suitable position, you can apply following the instructions you can find in the handbook available in the Attachments box.

- The list of partner hosts. Once you identify a suitable host, you can contact them and verify whether they can accept your application as an intern. Afterwards, you can apply following the instructions you can find in the handbook available in the Attachment box.

In the internship application you will need to state the name of the professor who has agreed to be your tutor for the internship. You need to verify the tutor’s availability beforehand. Any professor or researcher in charge of a teaching activity for the current academic year can become a tutor.

In case of an internship for the final examination, the supervisor will assume the role of tutor as well.

Some hosts prefer not to be listed in the Online Internship Service. Therefore, they will not be able to accept spontaneous applications, but they can upload both general internship positions and specific positions for students who already have an agreement with them.

If you wish to send an application to a host not yet affiliated with the University of Bologna, a partnership can be asked. The prospective Host will need to register at the link and list the activities that interns will perform. The application will be evaluated by the Internship Committee and, if approved, the International Relations and Internship Office will send all the relevant instructions to the Host in order to complete the partnership process. Once the agreement has been officially entered, students will be able to apply for the internship.

B) Internships within the University of Bologna

If you wish to undertake the internships at one of the University’s facilities (laboratories or Department), you need to make previous arrangements with one of the professors teaching in your Degree Programme, and then submit the application following the instructions described in the handbook available in the Attachment box.

The International Relations and Internship Office forwards to the Internship Commission all the applications received by the 10th of each month. The Commission usually performs the evaluation in the following days or, generally, by the end of the month. All the applications received after the 10th will be submitted to the Commission the following month.


Internship’s Approval

Internship applications will be submitted to the Commission, which will evaluate them and validate the beginning of the activities. The pre-emptive authorization of the Commission implies the approval of the internship project and the beginning of the insurance coverage, so it is not possible to start the activities before receiving the Commission’s positive evaluation.

Once the Commission approves the application, you will receive an automated email with the instructions to download the attendance record. 

The internship can be carried out between the starting date and final date written on the attendance record.

In case it becomes necessary to extend the internship period beyond the end date previously indicated in order to complete the number of hours expected in the programme, you will need to decide it with both the Host structure and your tutor, and then send an email to the International Relations and Internships Office with the host and the tutor in cc, so that your online application can be updated.

During the internship

After the Commission approves the internship, you can start the activities at your Host structure. You will also need to keep in touch with your University tutor, who you might contact in case of difficulties. 

The internship can be prolonged up to 20% of the standard duration, if the host structure in agreement with the tutor find it necessary to fulfil the learning objective of the internship.

After you complete the number of hours required the insurance coverage decays, so you will not be authorized to go back to the Host structure as an intern anymore.

Withdrawal, interruption, suspension of the internship

If you intend to withdraw from or interrupt your internship for any reason that does not allow its further continuation, you must share your decision with the University Tutor and the Host Contact Person. Afterwards, you must inform the International Relations and Internship Office via email, providing a valid motivation. Remember to put your University Tutor and Host Contact Person in cc in the email.

What to do at the end of the internship

At the end of the internship, you will log on Tirocini Online and:

  • Indicate the end date of the internship activity;
  • Upload the attendance record, signed and stamped;
  • For internship for final examination, please attach a short report, complying with the following instructions:
    At the end of the internship for the final examination, the student writes a short report of the activity carried out during the internship, whether it was carried out within the University of Bologna or at external institutions or companies, in Italy or abroad. This report will be evaluated by the Didactic Tutor via the online internship application, where it must be uploaded. The format of the short report is left to the free initiative of the student. Just as an example, the report can also be in the form of an abstract, provided it summarizes the objectives of the internship, the activities carried out and the main results obtained.
  • Fill in the online questionnaire;

On Tirocini Online, the University Tutor will be able to check the documents uploaded (questionnaire, attendance record and report), as well as the questionnaire filled out by the Host Contact Person. The Tutor will assess the validity of the internship on the basis of such documentation, interviewing the student if necessary.

After the formal check has been completed, the student must select a date for the exam and register on StudentiOnline. The student can also contact the professor to establish additional dates.

The exam will not be held in presence: the professor will check, within the online Internship platform, the documentation uploaded by the student, together with the evaluation of the company tutor and the online questionnaire filled in by the company. If the evaluation is positive, the exam will be considered passed (idoneità) and the student will acquire the corresponding credits, as envisioned in the course structure.


 Insurance cover

The University of Bologna guarantees insurance cover against accidents at work and third-party liability claims for its students.

In the event of travel to locations or structures not indicated in the approved internship programme, you can request an extension of the insurance cover - even during the internship - on condition that the travel concerned is consistent with the objectives of the internship.

The formative course “Health and Safety on the workplace” is mandatory for all the students that intend to carry out an internship. In the event of an internship abroad, please check the relevant page.