Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Biomedical engineering

Graduation Sessions

Dates and modalities for the final examination and proclamation

The students will be convened for the graduation through the website StudentiOnline, where the relevant information will be published: date, time, location, and the Graduation Committee.


Academic year 2021/2022

26th May 2023


Academic year 2022/2023

15th June 2023

21st July 2023

29th September 2023

23rd November 2023

8th February 2024

14th March 2024

For the discussion, which includes the presentation of the personal work and the Committee’s questions, each candidate will have 20 minutes.

The proclamation of the final grade will be carried out by the President of the Committee and it will take place after each group of candidates has been examined.


Rules of behavior

Graduates and guests are asked to follow some rules of behavior during the graduation session. It is important to:

-             Be punctual and arrive at the designated location on time;

-             Wait for one’s turn with respect for the learning activities that might be happening at the same time;

-             Leave the proximities after the proclamation;

-             Celebrate in a proper manner;

-             Avoid littering both indoor and outdoor spaces with food, beverages and confetti. The President of the Committee is authorized to stop the graduation session in case of disturbance.