Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Cesena Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Biomedical engineering

Preparing the study plan

Information on how to prepare and present a study plan.


The study plan is the list of all the exams required to complete the Degree Programme. Some exams are mandatory, some are elective.

Students can submit their study plan as long as they:

  • Have regularly completed the enrolment procedure;
  • Have paid the required tuition fees;
  • Are in possession of a regular stay permit (for International Students).



It is possible to submit or modify the study plan previously submitted in the following time-frames:

For A.Y. 2024/2025:

- First period: from 7th October 2024 to 10th November 2024;

- Second period: from 10th February 2025 to 7th March 2025.

After the deadlines expire, the last study plan submitted shall be regarded as valid.



Students enrolled in the Degree Programme 9266, 9243, and students enrolled after transferring from another Degree Programme 

Study plans can be submitted:

Through StudentiOnline if students need to:

  • Pick elective courses among the ones listed in their Degree Study Programme;
  • Modify courses chosen in previous years.

Through a paper form if students wish to add teaching activities that are NOT included in their Degree Study Programme. The paper form, which is available in the Attachment Box on the right, needs to be duly filled in and sent via institutional email to the Student Administration Office (

Attention! If the student picks an elective course belonging to a Degree Programme with restricted access, the choice must be approved by the relevant Degree Programme Committee.

Attention! Starting from academic year 2023-2024 the Student Practice Committee will not approve the addition of the INTERNSHIP as an elective course (Type-D activity).

This is because the Degree Programme formative plan already provides for the possibility to carry out an internship as part of the Final Dissertation Preparation (Type-E activity).

Students can also choose as Type D exams, the following activities:

- Transferable Skills, as listed in the attachment on the right. Only students on track with their academic career can select these activities. It will be possible to add to the study plan only one edition, in case more than one edition are available for the same course. For each of these teaching activities there are limited seats available.

- German Language and Culture I – Cesena (ULCAM project), for both students on track and who have been enrolled for a number of years higher than the normal duration of the Degree Programme.  Lectures, for a total of 40-hours (6CFU), will be carried out in the II semester by professor Monika Hengge. Classes have a limited number of seats and attendance is mandatory up to 70%.

Remember to click on the “save” button to update the changes.

It is advised to always save and print a copy of the study plan once you have submitted it. In fact, in case any problems arise after your submission, verification can be carried out only with a copy of the study plan that you saved and printed.


Students enrolled in Degree Programme 8198 

Study plans can be sumbitted via the specific paper form which is available in the Attachment box on the right. The paper form needs to be duly filled in and sent via institutional email to the Student Administration Office (, during the study plan modification timeframe. 

Attention! If the student picks an elective course belonging to a Degree Programme with restricted access, the choice must be approved by the relevant Degree Programme Committee.

How to pick the final examination

By submitting the study plan for the academic year 2023/2024, students will be able to graduate starting from June-July 2024.

In order to correctly submit the study plan, it is mandatory to pick the modalities of the final examination.

Students can choose between:

GROUP A: Final Examination 15 CFU

GROUP B: Final Examination 6 CFU

GROUP C: Final Examination 3 CFU

If choosing group B, the students need to add another formative activity among the ones listed, for a maximum of 9 CFU:


 If choosing group C, the students need to add another formative activity among the ones listed, for a maximum of 12 CFU:


The choice is not binding and it can be modified by sending an institutional email to the Student Administration Office ( before the actual work on the final examination starts.



It is possible to change the choice of curriculum by submitting a paper form with a valid duty stamp during the first period of presentation of the study plan only. The form is available in the Attachment box on the right.

Curriculum changes are not allowed during the second window of the study plan. 

The scanned form must be sent to the Student Administrative Office of Cesena  ( via institutional e-mail (if you do not yet have the institutional e-mail, please attach a copy of your identity card). The original documents must then be brought to (or sent by ordinary mail)  Students Administrative Office in via Montalti, 69 - 47521 Cesena FC or handed over at the Degree Programme Offices in Vai dell'Università, 50 - 47521 - Cesena (FC).



In addition to the institutional study plan, some Degree Programmes allow the students to submit an individual study plan which differs from the general one. According to the Regulation of the Second Cycle Degree Programme in Biomedical Engineering, students can submit individual study plan following the deadlines published on the University website.

In filling out the individual study plan, it is necessary to abide the following rules:

  • Teaching activities not activated for the academic year 2023/2024 cannot be added;
  • Exams that have already been taken and passed cannot be removed;
  • The minimum number of credits envisioned by the Degree Programme Regulation must be met;

Further instructions on the approval of individual study plans can be found in the official Degree Programme Regulation (under Article 2).

Justified submissions of individual study plans will undergo the screening of the Students' Practice Committee, appointed by the Degree Programme Council, which will verify these criteria:

- consistency with the formative aims of the Degree Programme;

- sufficient number of credits and exams, as to meet the same amount established in the official study programme;

- verification of any other limit established in the official Degree Programme Regulation;

Students can retrieve the paper form needed to submit an individual study plan at the Teaching Office of the Cesena Campus (Via dell'Università, 50 - Cesena), during the scheduled opening hours. After filling out the form, students can present it to the Teaching Office together with a duty stamp.  



If the student has chosen elective courses belonging to the formative offer of the Degree Programme they are enrolled to, the study plan will be automatically approved and uploaded.

On the contrary, if the student has chosen formative activities that are not delivered by their Degree Programme, the study plan will need the approval of the Students' Practice Committee.