The grants funded by the Right to Higher Education are designed to promote activities including the provision of scholarships for learning experiences abroad.
Eligibility and requirements
Students can apply to the call if they are graduating (or newly-graduated within 6 months, only for further research aimed at the publication of an article regarding the topic of the thesis) in the following Master’s degree
- Biomedical Engineering
- Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering for energy
Period abroad and study grant amount
The period abroad must be of maximum 6 months. The study grant is a partial contribution to your expenses abroad. The amount of each contribution will be determined according to the characteristics of the destination and the duration of the stay, and will range from a minimum of €1,000.00 to a maximum of €3,100.00.
Scholarships for research abroad are incompatible with other scholarships if they are related to the same period of mobility. It is also not possible to benefit of consecutive periods of mobility if they have the same purpose.
Recognition of the Mobility Period abroad
Winners will be required to submit to the Teaching Office (Ufficio gestione C.d.S. Ingegneria, Scienze e Architettura, via dell'Università n. 50, Cesena - email: all the documents mentioned in the section of the Call for Application ‘Obligations following the award’ under the terms and procedures provided.
The learning activity carried out abroad will be recognized, at the end of the mobility period, only for those who have submitted such documentation.
Deadlines and Call of Applications
The application window is from September 9th 2024 at 12:00 to September 26th 2024 at 1.00 PM (CEST)
For further information and the application procedure read the Call for Applicants in the attachments and check the University portal Bandi, Gare e Concorsi for the complete documentation.