Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Business Administration and Sustainability

Erasmus+ for study purporses programme

The Erasmus+ Programme offers you the chance to spend from three to twelve months of your university career studying in another European country. As an Erasmus+ student, you can attend courses, sit exams and earn credits for your studies.

  2. To find out more about our Erasmus+ study partner universities please refer to the attachment "Erasmus+ partner universities" (on the right).  Before choosing the universities you would like to apply for, please carefully check the information about the course cataloge, requirements, academic calendar... The file includes the partner universities whose responsibile is one of the teachers of the School of Economics and Management in Forlì. ATTENTION! It is a useful tool to search for this information, but please consider that all the information MUST be checked on the partner University website.
  3. If you won an Exchange place, download the University of Bologna Winner students guide in English or Italian! Read carefully the guide, it includes the main rules, procedures and deadlines for your exchange!

    For more information for winner students of the School of Economics and Management  - Forlì campus: download the presentation in English or Italian to find specific information for students enrolled our degree programmes (in the section attachments - on the right).

    NEWS! PLEASE NOTE: The grade conversion is carried out exclusively according to the ECTS grading system. Please read carefully the excepitons allowed in the file attached "Grade conversion - exceptions" (starting from the a.y. 2018/19)