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Infomeeting Erasmus and Double degree programmes

During the meeting you will receive information about Erasmus and Double Degree programmes

17 January 2024 from 10:00 to 13:00

Room 1 - Teaching Hub - Viale Corridoni n. 20 - In presence and online event

The Forlì Campus - International Relations Office - has scheduled two meetings on the Erasmus+ mobility for studies call 2024/2025.

The meeting in ITALIAN will take place  on January, the 17th at 10 am – Teaching Hub Room 1. Students can participate in person, or by joining the meeting online through Microsoft Teams. Students will receive an email with the invitation link.

Moreover, on Tuesday 23 January 2024 at 3 pm an online meeting to present the Erasmus+ Mobilty for Studies Call 2024 - 25 in English to all international students in Forlì Campus. 

Click here to join the online meeting

Starting from midday on January 17th, a specific session will be dedicated to the Double degree exchanges for the Master's degree programmes of the Department of Management in Forlì. Students can participate in person or online at the following link.