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Infomeeting Erasmus programme for students of the Department of Management in Forlì

Find out the specific information for the degree programmes of the Department of Management in Forlì

30 January 2024 from 16:00 to 17:00

Aula Mattarelli - P.le della Vittoria, 15 Forlì - In presence and online event

The event is held by:

  • Prof. Mauro Carboni - in charge of international activities for the School of Economics and Management in Forlì
  • Prof. Omar Mazzotti and Dott.ssa Elena Sinico - internationalization tutors (in charge of the approval of the study plan/learning agreements to complete abroad)

You will discover some important information about how to effectively submit your application for the Erasmus study programme. 

Moreover, you will also have the possibilty to ask for specific information to the International office of the Forlì campus.

The meeting will take place on January 30th at 4 p.m. in Mattarelli in Piazzale della Vittoria (and online at this link).