Professional profiles
professional profile
Business Manager or Business Consultant
Tasks in a professional context:
Business Managers or Consultants supportthe top management of public or private firms in the administration ofsingle-business companies or companies specialising in the food supply chain.They also take care of the main corporate activities associated with thedefinition and measurement of strategic goals, with special attention to thesustainability goals set by international organisations (e.g. UN SustainableDevelopment Goals).
Competencies associated with the function:
The competencies associated with this professionalprofile include:
- Being able to solve corporatefunction-specific problems, understanding their implications for other areasand for the business as a whole, also by managing growing digital informationassets.
- Understanding national and internationalbusiness administration and the mechanisms that regulate the reference marketsfor the industry in which they specialise (e.g., food).
- Being aware of the management informationneeds and the financial administration analysis models, and being able toassess the form and content of the reports for the management in internationalcontexts.
- Being able to analyse how internationalfinancial markets work and use business valuation techniques.
- Being able to identify objectives andmeasure corporate performance (also by using appropriate sustainability impactindicators).
- Being aware of the main methods to manage,motivate and improve staff.
- Analysing and developing the link betweencorporate impact and SDGs.
- Being able to draft reports/financialstatements in line with the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility andthe ISO standards on social and economic impacts.
Employment opportunities:
The competencies acquired will allowgraduates to take on management positions within:
• Industrial and professional service firmsat a national and international levels.
• Banks and supervisory authorities.
• National and international financialinstitutions.
• Financial consulting firms and investmentfunds.
• Management consulting firms.
• Highly innovative start-ups.
• Local, national or international publicauthorities involved in the food system.
• National or international researchcentres and/or organisations.
• Business start-ups in the food industry.
Start-up Consultant or Manager
Tasks in a professional context:
Start-up Consultants or Managers are ableto plan and follow a new start-up project since the very beginning – from ideageneration to market analysis, from business planning to stakeholder analysis.They combine analytical skills, soft skills and creativity to transform an ideainto a business.
Competencies associated with the function:
The competencies associated with thefunction include:
- Being able to understand what skills thata competitive environment requires of businesses and consider how to invest inorder to develop them.
- Being able to assess and build businessplans for new projects, including international projects.
- Being able to organise and planactivities, both within each functional area as well as at corporate level.
- Understanding the sales strategies that afirm can adopt to place a certain product or service on the market.
- Being able to identify the strategicimplications of innovation and the specific problems connected with corporate change management.
- Being able to analyse and develop thelink between corporate impact and SDGs.
Employment opportunities:
The competencies acquired will allowgraduates to take on positions:
• To launch new businesses and start-ups,also in the field of the ecological transition.
• As specialist consultants for launchingnew businesses.
• In investment firms.
Continuing to study
It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master universitario di secondo livello.