Lecture halls
Lecture halls of varying size are spread between the facilities at via Belle Arti 41 (4 halls), Piazza Scaravilli 2 (12 halls), Piazza Scaravilli 1/1 (1 aula), Via Belle Arti 33 (1 hall), Via Ranzani 14/B (4 halls), Via Ranzani 1 (5 halls), Via San Giacomo 3 (1 hall) and Viale Filopanti 5 (1 hall).
While equipped differently, they all offer the University WIFI system free of charge.
Via Belle Arti 41 building includes:
- Aula I , ground floor (190 seats)
- Aula II , ground floor (25 seats)
- Aula III , second floor (62 seats)
- Aula IV , second floor (25 seats)
Every lecture room is equipped with a computer and a data projector, with possibility of laptop cabling. Rooms I and III are fitted with handheld mics (or Lavalier/haeadset upon request). The venue also hosts a study area, the Department's Library as well as its administraion and teachers' offices.
Berti Pichat building, located in Via Ranzani 1, includes:
- Aula V, ground floor (88 seats)
- Aula VI, ground floor (40 seats)
- Aula VII, ground floor (48 seats)
- Aula VIII, ground floor (48 seats)
Every room is equipped with a computer, a data projector and possibility of laptop cabling, handheld mics or wireless radio mics upon request.
Via Ranzani 14/B building includes:
- Aula A, ground floor (178 seats)
- Aula B, ground floor (255 seats)
- Aula C, I floor (206 seats)
- Aula D, I floor (320 seats)
Every room is equipped with a computer, a data projector and possibility of laptop cabling, handheld mics or wireless radio mics upon request.
Piazza Scaravilli 2 building includes:
- Aula 1, ground floor (100 seats)
- Aula 2, ground floor (78 seats)
- Aula 4, ground floor(25 seats)
- Aula 5, ground floor (32 seats)
- Aule 11, I floor (100 seats)
- Aula 12, I floor (78 seats)
- Aula Magna, I floor (200 seats)
- Aula 21, II floor (100 seats)
- Aula 22, II floor (78 seats)
- Aula 31, II floor (100 seats)
- Aula 32, III floor (78 seats)
Every room is equipped with a computer, a data projector and possibility of laptop cabling, handheld mics or wireless radio mics upon request.
Study rooms
The degree programme makes two study rooms available for your use, whenever you want.
The rooms are open from Monday to Friday, between 8.30 am and 7 pm.
- Study room 1
Capacity: 40 persons
Location: Via Zamboni 33, Bologna
- Study room 2
Capacity: 62 persons
Location: Via Zamboni 26, Bologna
There are also 5 additional study places:
- 3 study places in Pazza Scaravilli 2, on the first and second floor. The first next to the stairs and second close to the Aula Magna.
- 1 study place in Via Belle Arti 41, on the ground floor.
- 1 group study room (max. capacity 8 people) on the first floor of Via Belle Arti 41. The room should be booked in advance either at the front office or by sending an email at the following address: anna-cirillo@unibo.it. The room is available from 8 to 13 and from 13 to 18.
Our laboratories enable you to try out the knowledge you have acquired. They represent a point of reference for your learning activities, thanks to the technologies available, the learning methods employed and the support provided by tutors with in-depth experience of laboratory work.
All laboratories are open from Monday to Friday, between 8.30 am and 6.30 pm.
To use them, it is essential to book by sending an e-mail to laboratori@unibo.it
- Lab Scaravilli
Piazza Scaravilli, I floor (77 PCs)
- Lab G
Via Ranzani 1, I floor (43 PCs)
- Lab T
Via Ranzani 1, I floor (17 PCs)
- Lab PT
Via Ranzani 1, ground floor (10 PCs)
Our degree programme activities use the Department Library.
The University of Bologna offers an extensive network of structures, library and document reference services. In particular, you can use the facilities of the humanities sector and the libraries covering law, economics and political sciences and social sciences.
The libraries belonging to the faculty of Economics, Management and Statistics are the following:
- Library of the Statistics Department Paolo Fortunati in Via Belle Arti 41.
- Library of the Business Administration Department Giuseppe Testoni in Piazza Scaravilli 1.
- Library of the Economics Faculty Walter Bigiavi in Via Belle Arti 33.
- Library of the Economics Department in Strada Maggiore 45.
See the complete list of University libraries.