Professional profiles
professional profile
Marketing specialist
Function in a professional context:
The Marketing Specialist for whom thisdegree programme aims to combine the characteristic competences of the function(control of traditional product, price, distribution and communication levers)with a specific ability to design and develop analytical and forecasting modelsfor the marketing function as well as the strategic and if necessary alsooperational coordination of all the service providers that in theorganisational structure of contemporary companies are typically managed inoutsourcing (marketing research, communication and advertising).
In particular, this person coordinates:
- monitoring market demand;
- the development and launch of newproducts;
- the management and market of products orservices;
- communication and interaction with thevarious market players called upon to facilitate the dissemination of productsor services.
competencies associated to the function:
To perform the functions described,students must possess knowledge, skills, behaviours and transversal competencesthat will have to be exercised in the work context, such as:
- Problem analysis and quantitativemodelling skills
- Problem solving
- Ability to set long-term goals and definestrategies to achieve them
- Communication skills
- Ability to work in a team
- Motivation and leadership skills.
employment opportunities:
- Manufacturing companies
- Service companies
Expert in market research and customer baseanalysis
Function in a professional context:
The expert in market research and customerbase analysis is a highly specialised professional figure whose main functionis to manage the growing complexity of information that the organisation andfragmentation of an organisation's economic environments of reference requirewith specific professionalism. In particular, this figure must be able to standat the crossroads of three major areas of competence: marketing and analysis ofconsumers and consumer needs; statistical-quantitative analysis and moregenerally modelling; and the IT skills required to efficiently manage theabove-mentioned information sources and storage devices. This profile sees itsnatural place within business processes such as:
- segmentation
- new product development
- customer satisfaction and customerloyalty analysis
- estimated customer lifetime value
- design of direct marketing campaigns andevaluation of their effectiveness.
In particular, this professional figuredeals with:
- design market research and customer-usersatisfaction analyses
- analyses and preparation of summaryinformation documents on market trends
- economic foresight research.
competencies associated to the function:
To perform the functions described,students must possess knowledge, skills, behaviours and transversal competencesthat will have to be exercised in the work context, such as:
- Problem analysis and quantitativemodelling skills
- Problem solving
- Communication skills
- Ability to work in a team.
employment opportunities:
- Production companies
- Service companies
- Research centres
- Marketing, communication and marketing researchconsultancy companies
- Strategic consulting firms.
Expert in statistical-economic analysis
Function in a professional context:
The expert in statistical-economic analysisis a professional figure whose main function is to describe, interpret and forecasteconomic phenomena and processes relating to production, productivity andcompetitiveness of companies and countries, income and the economic well-beingof households and individuals using statistical tools. Their skills enable themto interpret indicators for support to (public and corporate) decision/making,to quantify the relationships between economic phenomena and their temporaltrends, to assess the effects of decisions and the risks associated with thestrategic actions taken, to contribute to the solution of information problemsspecific to business and economic realities, to support public or corporatedecision-makers in the development of policies, and to programme regionaldevelopment economic plans.
In particular, this professional figure:
- performs managerial functions ofanalysis, forecasting and support to economic decision/making
- ensures the monitoring of relevanteconomic indicators
- ensures the development and maintenanceof analytical models to support policy evaluation processes
- supports public (or corporate)decision-makers in policy development.
Competencies associated to the function:
- capacity for political-economic analysis
To perform the functions described,students must possess knowledge, skills, behaviours and transversal competencesthat will have to be exercised in the work context, such as:
- problem analysis and quantitativemodelling skills
- problem solving skills
- communication skills
- ability to work in a team.
employment opportunities:
- Research and planning offices of privatecompanies and public bodies
- Government bodies working in the field ofnational and international statistics and economics (e.g: Bank of Italy, ICE,ISTAT, ECB, OECD, EUROSTAT)
- Economic consultancy to private andpublic enterprises
- Market control and regulatory bodies
- Manufacturing companies (medium-large)
- Service companies (medium-large)
- Further studies in PhD or master'sdegrees with a statistical-economic content.
Expert in economic survey design and management
Function in a professional context:
The expert in economic survey design andmanagement is a professional figure whose main function is to coordinate teamsof statistical-economic analysts in the design and performance of surveys aimedat studying the behaviour of economic agents (households, enterprises, localauthorities, etc.) and in the management of the information flow acquisitionprocess. Their skills also enable them to assess the reliability of collecteddata and to process information in order to enhance its quality and usabilityin economic decision support contexts.
In particular, this professional figure:
- ensures the monitoring and production ofrelevant economic indicators
- manages the acquisition process of theunderlying information flows
- supports decision-makers in public orcorporate contexts with appropriate information bases in policy development.
Competencies associated to the function:
To perform the functions described,students must possess knowledge, skills, behaviours and transversal competencesthat will have to be exercised in the work context, such as:
- ability to analyse information needs ineconomic contexts
- translation of information needs intodata acquisition process
- problem solving
- ability to work in a team.
employment opportunities:
- Research and planning offices of privatecompanies and public bodies
- Government agencies involved in thedesign and implementation of complex national and international economicsurveys (e.g: Bank of Italy, ICE, ISTAT, OECD, EUROSTAT)
- Market control and regulatory bodies
- Manufacturing companies (medium-large)
- Service companies (medium-large)
- Further studies in PhD or master'sdegrees with a statistical-economic content
Business Analyst
Function in a professional context:
the Business Analyst is the person in thecompany who provides support to business decision-making through data analysis.By analysing the data, they are able to identify areas of criticality andopportunities for improvement, and propose plans to improve the company'sperformance, with reference to the different activities the company performs.
In particular, this professional figure:
- analysing sales data, verifiesprofitability and deals with forecasts;
- within Customer Relationship Management,analyses customer data and monitors responses to
sales campaigns;
- monitors and optimises the performance ofproduction and distribution processes;
- performs the task of software applicationanalyst.
Competencies associated to the function:
To perform the functions described,students must possess knowledge, skills, behaviours and transversal competencesthat will have to be exercised in the work context, such as:
- Ability to analyse information needs inbusiness contexts;
- Translation of information needs intodata acquisition process;
- Ability to collect, organise and processlarge amounts of structured and unstructured data;
- Advanced and innovative skills forbusiness data analysis;
- Knowledge of different programminglanguages and statistical software;
- Ability to communicate with data in abusiness setting;
- Ability to work in a team;
- Motivation and leadership skills.
employment opportunities:
- B2B and B2C manufacturing companies;
- Service companies;
- Consulting firms;
- Research centres;
- Software companies
Continuing to study
It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master universitario di secondo livello.