Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Digital Transformation Management

DTM: Erasmus + and International Mobility

Erasmus + Study opportunities

The Erasmus + programme allows students to spend part of its University career abroad. The exchanges last from a minimum of two to a maximum of twelve months per cycle and can be carried out in a partecipating host University abroad. The "Erasmus student" status, allows participating students to attend classes, sit exams, take part to an internship experience or develop the final dissertation. Activities developed during the exchange period will be recognized by the home University. 

During the period spent in the partner University, the student will carry out the activites agreed with the Professor in charge of the exchange that will have to be approved by the Degree Programme Board before the departure. 

Participating students are awarded with a grant and will obtain recognition of learning activities once their mobility is completed. 

 The calls for application, with requirements and deadlines, are published yearly on the dedicated page.

Once the call is published, students can apply using the university application AlmaRM, where the students can check the exchange offers available for their Degree Programme. 

DTM shares key international relationships with important European universities. The following Erasmus agreements are reserved for DTM students only: 

  • Technische Hochschule Muenchen, Heilbronn (Germany) - 1 available position; 
  • Koblenz-Landau University, Koblenz-Landau (Germany) - 2 available positions.