Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Digital Transformation Management

Expected learning outcomes


The digital transformation manager:

- is aware of and able to carry in-depth analysis of the function-specific techniques and their management mechanisms integrated in the entrepreneurial system;

- is able to merge and link together multidisciplinary concepts in the scope of solving current management challenges;
- knows the key aspects about funding and organizing new business ventures;
- knows the main programming paradigms and computer architectures;
- knows data models and storage architectures;
-is up to date with innovative technologies employed in digitalization processes;
-is fluent in the usage of web, social networks and web communication related technologies.

Knowledge and skills are gained through lectures and seminars integrated with tutoring activities, practice, case analysis and independent study. The student is constantly asked to produce written essays, both during and at the conclusion of the degree programme, as a mean to improve its knowledge and refine its understanding skills.
The results are assessed through written essays, tests and both individual and group evaluations.


The digital transformation manager;
- is able to evaluate decisions on management goals and entrepreneurial creation value in a collective perspective;
- is able to evaluate the roles played by the humancapital in entrepreneurial value creation;
- is able to use interdisciplinary skills to manage marketing, financial, coordination and control issues;
- can interpret the changes occurring in national and international competitive environments, owns the skills required by companies and know the best investment routes to develop them;
- is able to manage the changing of organizational processes connected to innovation;
- is able to manage financial, organizational and commercial aspects connected with the start-up of a new business venture, both at national and international level;
- is able to design software solutions;
- is able to design complex information systems;
- is able to select appropriate technologies for there solution of ICT-related problems;
- is able to manage digitalization projects;

The aforementioned skills are acquired through a teaching strategy applied in all the teaching units: this strategy encompasses theoretical illustration, examples, potential applications, group projects and individual assessment tests and project works.

Positive attitude and autonomous communications and elaboration skills concerning the achieved results represent a core part of the learning process. In addition to individual study, key importance is given to group laboratory activities and practical applications in class.

In addition to individual study, group laboratory activities and practical classes, especially in the context of deep vocational learning activities, are a key factor in the student education.
The results are assessed through written exams, report, practical activities and problem-solving activities. During the assessment tests, the student has to complete specific tasks to demonstrate the fluency in the usage of instruments and methods along with autonomous critical thinking. The internship for the final dissertation preparation is assessed through the evaluation of the final report on the activity carried out by the student in the company alongside the company supervisor.


The digital transformation manager:
- owns analysis and synthesis skills (in a general sense);
- holds general logic and deductive skills (reasoning skills);
- owns evaluation skills about middle and long term innovation in IT and is hereby capable of making critical evaluations on current information technologies and methodologies limits and to understand how to solve them;
- is capable of evaluating and judging IT solutions that best suit aspecific functional requirement;
- is able to focus on the essential contents in third party technical reports in order to extrapolate innovative aspects from them;
- is able to understand the content of technical/scientific articles and holds adequate judging skills to evaluate their relevance and impact;
- is able to obtain and read the principal bibliographic resources, new national and international standardization proposals and the legislation concerning the certification of products and systems of industrial interest;
- is able to analyze business and sector trends to spot problems and opportunities;
- is able to use models and tools to analyze and understand economical, organizational and strategical consequences of business decisions and competitive dynamics, especially concerning the digital sector;
- is able to identify and evaluate the economic value of IT and digital solutions;
- has coordination and communication skills related to business processes involving inside company actors as well as external stakeholders;
- is able to work in unstable, uncertain and prone to innovation contexts;
- has problem solving, observation and critical analysis skills in the context of company management.

Judgements skills are acquired through participation in team works during classes as well as the final dissertation preparation or internship in companies and laboratories. Judgment skills assessment is carried out through final exams, especially on those IT subjects including a project activity.


The digital transformation manager:
- knows how to communicate materials and arguments towards and informed public both in a spoken and written form ;
- is able to efficiently interact in written and spoken English, communicating eventual problems, ideas, solutions and technical information to both a specialist and non-specialist public;
- is able to write technical reports based on its activities and discuss the obtained crucial results in a collegiate environment;
- is able to merge in and positively coordinate teams who manage, design, test and verify the performance of systems, processes and apps and is hereby able to justify its choices and decisions;
- is able to write technical-scientific journal articles.

The communication skills are collected through the participation in both core learning activities and other including internships/final dissertation in company assets and laboratories for the final dissertation preparation.Teaching methods include: practical lectures either in classroom or labs, group projects and guided self-study. The assessment is mainly carried out through written and oral exams and projects presentation often using multimedia tools and digital presentation tools. The student must have acquired English written and spoken communication skills at a B2 level upon access, these skills are further developed through English-based learning activities and subsequent assessments, this will allow the student to learn a technical language,specific for the learned subjects.


The digital transformation manager:
- is able to work autonomously;
- keeps themselves up to date on modelling requirements analysis-oriented methods, techniques and instruments. Knowledge applied in apps and IT systems testing;
- promotes the evolution of IT technologies and is able to identify emerging requests for information and training;
- is able to autonomously pursue further studies in every IT, information engineering, Economics and management fields;
- has reached such knowledge and skills standards that is able to fluently follow PhD classes and programmes.

Learning skills are acquired throughout the whole degree programme duration. These skills are especially acquired thanks to individual projects developmentand study and the final dissertation preparation. Individual learning skills are assessed in class both in the context of learning activities and tutorship, projects development and final dissertation preparation.