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Preparing the study plan

Information on how to prepare and present a study plan.

What is a study plan

The study plan is the complete set of exams a student need to sit in order to graduate. Exams can be either compulsory or elective. 

In order to fill the Study Plan in, students must: be regularly enrolled, have paid all due tuition fees, own a valid Residence Permit (non EU students only). 

When to submit the Study Plan

The study plan can be submitted or edited during the following timespans: 

For A.Y. 2024/2025

- First period: from October 7th 2024 to November 10th 2024;
- Second period: from February 10th 2025 to March 7th 2025.

Please note that changes cannot be applied after the deadline. 

We suggest to print or save a copy of your study plan after submission in case some issues arise afterwards. 

If you face troubles submitting your online study plan, please contact the Programme Coordinator at the email address provided in the contacts box. 

How to submit your Study Plan

The study plan can be submitted via Studenti Online by regularly enrolled students who need to: 
- add elective subjects to their plan;
- amend choices made in prior years.

Once the choices have been made, they can be saved and sent for approval by hitting the "salva" button at the end of the procedure. 

It is suggested to print a copy of the edited Study Plan. The printed copy is the only means to verify whether a substantial or techincal error has occurrs after the saving session. 

 Please note: exams can be taken only if they were correctly added to the study plan.


Your plan will be checked for approval by an appointed Study Programme Board. If no changes are needed, the study plan will be approved, otherwise you'll be provided instructions on how to change it.