Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Electric Vehicle Engineering


Professional profiles

professional profile

Electricvehicle engineer


The Electric Vehicle Engineer:

- knows how to draft and interpretthe technical specifications of all the components of an electric driveline
- knows how to select and size theon-board electrical systems and components, the static conversion and electronic systems ofthe driveline
- knows how to select, integrate andmanage the on-board accumulation systems of the electric vehicle, the battery charger and theinterface with the charging station
- is able to apply and integratesystems and modern electrical apparatus and to select reliable and safecomponents and systems for the vehicle, taking into account financialrestrictions as well as applicable laws in force.


The competencies associated to therole of Electric Vehicle Engineer are:

- in-depth knowledge of theapplicative aspects of mathematics, physics and the other fundamental sciences required inorder to assess and resolve the issues ofapplied electromagnetism and electromagneticcompatibility
- knowledge of converters, cars,electric drives, electric propulsion systems and their operation when stationary and in transit, as well as techniques to control them
- knowledge of numerical techniquesfor calculator simulations of the operation of converters, cars, electric drives and electricpower systems
- knowledge of electric car designmethods as well as measurement and testing techniques
- knowledge of measurement theory,error assessment and measurement uncertainties as well as modern measurement techniques onelectric vehicles
- in-depth knowledge of electronicmeasurement tools and sensors
-knowledge on how to size the on-board charging systems
-ability to design systems for connecting electric vehicles to the electricitygrid
-ability to operate and repair electric traction drives
-knowledge on how to size the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system(HVAC)
-knowledge on how to size theon-board cables and connectors
- ability in the application ofsubsystems and connectors in compliance with the laws and regulations on electromagneticcompatibility
- ability to ensure the requiredlevel of electrical safety in the vehicle
- knowledgeon how to assemble electrical components and parts of the vehicle together withmechanical parts.

Thanksto an overall vision of vehicle systems, Electronic Vehicle Engineers are ableto develop and produce the main sub-systems installed on road motor vehicles and motorbikes, with strong emphasis on premium and competition vehicles, as well as developingand managing the relevant technology and production processes.


The main career opportunitiesassociated with this master's degree programme are those related to product and process innovationand development, advanced design, planning and programming production, complexsystems management.

Suchtasks are to be performed in manufacturing or service companies involvedin the design and production of premium and competition motor vehicles andmotorbikes, both in national and international assembly lines.

Studentswho graduate in Electric Vehicle Engineering can go on to enroll on a PhD or a2nd level master programme.

Itis also worth noting that Graduates will possess the competencies and skillsrequired to abide by the Italian legal framework of the ProfessionalAssociation of Engineering, thus signing up for the Section A, sectorB-industry.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.