Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Electronic Engineering


Period, procedure, rules for progress tests, written and oral, attendance, assessments and enrolment for exams.

The exam period

There is a single examination period which begins on 15th December and ends on the 31st March of the next academic year.
Instructions for sitting a progress examination:

  • each degree programme arranges not less than six progress exam sessions duly spaced out between periods of teaching, at least two of them occurring immediately after the learning activities and at least one at each other lesson-free interval.
  • Course units in the first two years of the three-year first-cycle Degree Programme may not have exam sessions fixed during lesson periods.
  • Only if you are regularly enrolled (having paid the instalments of the annual tuition fee) and if the exam figures on your study plan may you sit it. The exam may not, in any case, be taken before the end of the course unit it refers to in relation to the year of registration.
  • If attendance is compulsory, you may only sit the exam once you have proof that this has been complied with. Within seven days of finishing the prescribed tuition, teachers are expected to provide the Student Administration Office with a written list of the students who may sit the examination. Failing this, all properly enrolled students will be accorded a ‘technical’ certificate of attendance. If you are interested in completing your studies before the normal term (three years for a basic degree programme and two years for a second-cycle degree programme), according to art. 26, para. 2 of the University Teaching Regulations, you should apply to your Student Administration Office.
  • The exam may consist in an oral, a written or a practical. Testing may be done individually or in groups (provided the individual’s contribution may be recognised and assessed); it may also require the student to complete a project assigned by the Professor, or to take part in research and experiments. Such activities are designed to test possession of the knowledge and skill required for the curriculum subject in question.
  • Oral examinations are public; for other forms of testing the School of Engineering and Architecture shall ensure an appropriate degree of publicity.

Assessment of an exam and recording the grade

  • On all degree programmes exams are marked out of 30, and the grade recorded on paper or electronically. The pass grade is 18/30. With a top grade of 30/30 the board may add cum laude. In some cases the degree programme regulations call for a verdict of idoneo (up to standard) or otherwise.
  • A combined course unit (with an exam made up of several teaching subjects or modules) requires a unitary and comprehensive grade.
  • Educational credits are only acquired through passing an exam or some other form of progress test. Once recorded with a pass grade, an exam or progress test may not be repeated.
  • The verdict of fail does not require a grade but merely a judgment entered on the record (withdrawn, or rejected, as the case may be).This is not recorded in the curriculum and hence does not affect the average for the final grade.
  • A digital grade recorded on the AlmaEsami system must also bear the digital signature of the examining board president and the names of board members present. This must be completed within five days of the test or, with a written paper, within five days of publication of the results.
  • In an emergency an exam grade may be recorded by hand. This must be drawn up and signed by the examining board president, with the names of board members present recorded, and be delivered to the Student Administration Office within five days.


Enrolment for exams and Language proficiency test

To enrol online go to the AlmaEsami service.