Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Electronic Engineering


Guidance services and activities to help you choose a degree programme and at each stage of your studies

Guidance for prospective students

Guidance services are addressed to students willing to enroll at a First or a Second cycle degree programme providing an overview of the educational opportunities offered by the University and supporting students in choosing a degree programme aligned   with their expectations. 

Guidance services


Guidance activities

The degree programme joines the main guidance events promoted by the University and organises specific orientation activities as well in order to describe the distinctive features of the study track and provide proper information for the study start.


Degree Programme Tutor

The degree programme tutor plays a significant role in supporting prospective and enrolled students.  Students may refer to the tutor to get practical information about the degree programme as well as to understand the proper office to contact for their queries.

Students can also rely on the tutor for information about admissions, assistance in browsing the degree programme website and any organisational issue.

Guidance for final-year students and graduates

The University of Bologna supports graduating and graduates both to pursue their studies and to approach the job market.

Guidance services