Professional profiles
professional profile
The Second-cycle degree in Electronic Engineering aims to shape professionalscapable of taking on technical and organisational job positions requiring a commandof basic and electronic-related sciences. They may work in design-related andadvanced research environments.
Thus, programme's graduates can work in multiple contexts - mainly orientedaround technology - and can design, follow up on the industrial process, andoversee the maintenance of integrated or distributed electronic systems. Suchsystems focus on information processing, storage and transmission in auser-comprehensible form.
The main skill of programme's graduates is that of managing complex electronicsystems. Skills acquired throughout the degree are therefore relevant to singleelectronic devices and localized circuits & systems, as well as aheterogeneous set of distributed electronic systems operating together to reacha common goal.
Specific skills such as a command of physical phenomena, analytic andsimulation modelling and optimization methods will be used to manage the project'scomplexity as well as systems implementation and maintenance.
Typically, graduates take on roles in the fields of innovation and productionmanagement, advanced design, planning and programming, and complex systemmanagement. They can work on their own or at manufacturing companies, servicecompanies and state-owned bodies.
Graduates can get a job working for firms designing and producingelectronic and optoelectronic components, systems and infrastructures,including sensor systems. Such companies operate in various fields such asmanufacturing or data processing for civil, industrial or information purposes,in which graduates' assignments may span from design and research todevelopment and management.
Moreover, other potential employers may also be telecommunicationsproviders, electronic and optoelectronic systems' providers, service providers,national and international authorities and watchdogs, medical equipment manufacturers,and companies using electronic technology and infrastructure to control andautomate their operations.
In Bologna, it should be mentioned that the degree is surrounded by a flourishingindustrial environment full of small and medium enterprises. Capabilitiesaccumulated during the degree programme are widely appreciated not only byelectronic-specific firms, but also by mechanical, service and food-relatedones, all of which are key players in the local industrial environment.
Finally, an international curriculum is consistent with an increasinglyinternational job market, making it possible to work abroad or ininternationally-oriented Italian companies.
Further studies
The Second-cycle degree entitles students to go on to third-cycle studies(PhDs and specialisation schools) and one-year master's programmes (first orsecond level).
Continuing to study
It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.