Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Electronic Engineering

Study grant for dissertations abroad

Study grant to go abroad and work on your dissertation.

Who can apply / Requirements

You can apply if you are UniBo student or recent graduate (up to 6 months).

You will need to do research on an international subject for which you need to consult research material abroad.

Writing a detailed and well-documented project, approved by your thesis supervisor and your supervisor abroad, is compuslory in order to apply. It is essential to speak English or the language of the country of destination.

Period abroad and study grant amount

The study grant is a partial contribution to your expenses abroad and can cover up to 6 months.


At the end of your stay you will have to submit all the documents certifying your research activity according to the Call for applications.

These scholarships are not compatible with other EU grants for the same mobility period.

Deadlines and Call of applications

The "Call for applications" is released twice a year, basically in March/April and October.