Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Electronic engineering for intelligent vehicles

Rooms and labs booking service

Informations about rooms and laboratories booking service for Risorgimento (Viale del Risorgimento 2 and 4, Via Saragozza 8 and 10, Via Foscolo 7) and Terracini (Via Terracini 28 and 34) Campus

In order to book rooms and laboratories for institutional purposes (exams, seminars, meetings, etc.) for the Engineering and Architecture Degree Programmes placed in Bologna  (Risorgimento, Terracini, Saragozza and Foscolo venues), it is necessary to send an e-mail from the official e-mail account to: 

Each request must contain the following information:

To book classrooms and drawing rooms:

  • name of the applicant (professor)
  • activity to be carried out (exam, meeting, conference, seminar, extra practicals, etc). For exams and practicals specify the course name and the Degree Programme 
  • date
  • starting time and lenght of the activity
  • the venue (Risorgimento, Terracini, Saragozza, Foscolo) 
  • the type of room (traditional or drawing room). If a specific room is needed, it must be mentioned in the request
  • classroom seating capacity

To book laboratories:

  • name of the applicant (professor)
  • activity to be carried out (exam, extra practicals, etc). For exams and practicals specify the course name and the Degree Programme
  • date
  • starting time and lenght of the activity
  • classroom seating capacity
  • which laboratory
  • specific software needed

For clarifications about the labs facilities such as PCs use, login credentials, softwares, internet network you may contact:

for Lab0, Lab2, Lab3, Lab4, Lab9:

for Lab6:

For information about Departments laboratories, please contact the technical staff in charge.

In order to have an overview of rooms and laboratories occupation before booking you can use the links on the side-box in this page.