Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Engineering for historic building rehabilitation

Curricular Internship

Curricular internships are learning activities that allow students to obtain credits contemplated in the course structure diagram of their degree programme, which also allow to acquire practical skills and make initial contact with the world of work.

Who is eligible

Curricular internship is an elective course unit, it can be performed starting from the academic year in which it is contemplated in the study plan.

Students interested in carrying it out have to:

1. autonomously search a Host Structure where to perform it in reasonable advance

2. put it in their study plan, as explained in the section Preparing the study plan. 

Former HBR students can choose to perform a curricular internship as an alternative to Research on Historic Building M (75467 Internship M in the Course Structure Diagram) and/or an Internship for preparation for the final examination abroad or in Italy (84551 Internship abroad for preparation of the final examination -  86296  Internship for preparation for the final examination in the Course Structure Diagram).

New e4HBR students can choose to perform an Internship for preparation for the final examination abroad or in Italy (84551 Internship abroad for preparation of the final examination -  86296  Internship for preparation for the final examination in the Course Structure Diagram).

When to perform an internship

Students can only submit their requests through the internship app at any time of the academic year, according to procedures illustrated in the Handbook for Interns, available in the attachments box.

How to choose the Host Structure and submit an internship request

Internships may be carried out inside and/or outside the University of Bologna, in Italy or abroad.

Host Structures have to be already partnered with the University of Bologna for internships before practical activities start.

Students can go to the internship app or contact the Internship Office in order to know if a Host Structure is already partnered with University for internships. If not, students have to contact the Internships Office of Ravenna Campus at least two months before the starting date of the internship in order to activate the agreement procedure and open a new partnership with the Host Structure.

Internship request at a partnered Host Structure

When students have already an agreement with a partnered Host Structure, they can submit:

- Candidacy A (in reply to an internship offer already published and targeted to him/her).

When students are searching for a Host Structure already partnered with University willing to host them, they can submit:

- Candidacy B (in reply to an internship offer already published and targeted to all students enrolled on one or more degree programmes)

- Self-candidacy (addressed to one or more Host Structures already registered on the internship app);

and wait for a reply.

Internship request at a non-partnered Host Structure

When students have already an agreement with a structure not yet partnered with University for internships, the Host Structure has to register in the internship app to request an internship agreement. Students have to contact the Internships Office of Ravenna Campus at least two months before the starting date of the internship in order to activate the agreement procedure and open a new partnership with the Host Structure.

Once the internship agreement has been finalized, students can apply for internships following the procedure Internship request at a partnered Host Structure.


Internship request at the University of Bologna

When students wish to carry out an internship at the University of Bologna, they first have to contact the Responsible of the Structure (or His/Her Delegate) in order to verify if it possible to perform it.

In the affirmative, after having settled the internship programme in accordance with the Academic Tutor and the Host Structure contact person, students have to submit a request according to the procedure Application for an internship at the University of Bologna.

The duration of the internship is calculated according to the number of credits related to the teaching activity, as laid down in the course structure diagram
For internships corresponding to 12 CFU = min. 300 hours / max. 360 hours.

Procedures for students are illustrated on the Handbook for Interns, available in the attachments box.

How to activate an internship

1. Students have to submit an internship request, according to one of the procedures outlined in the Handbook for Interns, available in the attachments box.  

2. The Internship Office checks all data inserted and, in case of positive evaluation,  declares it verified.

3. The Academic Tutor verifies the contents of the internship request and, in case of positive evaluation, validates the internship programme. 

4. Internship Boards only evaluate internship programmes validated by Academic Tutors. 

5. Students receive a confirmation message with further instructions after:

- the Internship Board has approved the internship request;

- the Internship Office has verified the successfull completion of the procedure.

6. Students can start practical activities only after they have downloaded the attendance register.

Mandatory Requirement - Health and Safety Training

It is necessary to have taken the final test to certify the achievement of the general (Module 1) and specific (Module 2-3) Health and Safety mandatory Training
After passing the test, students can download the certificate – in Italian or English – by logging into Studenti Online and going to the “Certificates and Self-certifications” page.


Insurance coverages for interns

Students are insured by the University of Bologna for injuries and against any damage they may cause and against any accident that might involve a third-party that may occur during the internship but only for the period authorized by the Internship Board.

In case of trips to locations not indicated in the approved internship program, to extend the insurance coverage the intern must send a request in advance by e-mail to the Academic Tutor - and a copy to the Tutor of the host organization and to the Internship Office - and wait for authorization via email. During the trip the student is insured for travel on foot, by public transport and as a passenger in a company car insured for the passenger.

What to do at the end of the internship

At the end of the internship the student has to enter the internship app to:

declare the end of the internship;

upload the attendance register, duly completed and signed;

upload the final report (only for 75467 Internship), that has to be written by the applicant and countersigned by the host institution or company;

fill out the mandatory questionnaire regarding the internship experience.

The Internship Office only validates the documentation arranged and uploaded by the student in compliance with internship rules and regulations.

How to register the credits of the internship

At the end of the internship, the registration of the credits is done through enrolment to the relevant exam session published on AlmaEsami by prof. Alessia Zampini.

Regular calls are published a few days before the deadline for the satisfaction of graduation requisites, as specified for every Final examination session (It is indeed possible to enrol in any available call on AlmaEsami as soon as the Internship has been completed).

The evaluation is made according to the report and documents uploaded by the student.

HBR Internship Board

- Prof. Alessia Zampini: