Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Engineering for historic building rehabilitation


Professional profiles

professional profile

Career opportunities for graduates

Senior engineer of building systems, specialised in the Management of Building Processes and Historic Building Rehabilitation.

function in a professional context:

This professional profile is specialised in the planning, organisation, optimisation and control of processes for the strengthening and rehabilitation of historic buildings, supporting public and private clients in determining the state of preservation, the cultural value and the constraints applied to the buildings; in the planning of rehabilitation works and the selection of contractors, coordination and control of execution and results, adopting the prescribed procedures and appropriate methods for optimising the use of resources and achieving the expected results.

The professional roles held by this figure include:

- Technical officer of the Public Contracting party in the strengthening and rehabilitation of historic buildings, acting as Assistant Contract Manager and/or Assistant Works Director;

- Technical Manager/Officer in companies providing diagnostic and surveying services for the strengthening and upgrading and retrofit of historic buildings and in complementary sectors, as Assistant Technical Director;

- Technical Officer for Public authorities or private businesses managing real estate, in the role of Assistant Facility Manager;

- Engineer in civil and environmental fields, working in a freelance capacity having passed the State Exam, with competencies prescribed by law for this figure.

The professional figure liaises with diagnostics and surveying technicians; architectural designers and restoration, systems and structural specialists; quantity surveyors and cost estimators; legal experts in contracting and public tendering; public authorities working to protect and monitor building activities, particularly focusing on historic buildings.

The main functions performed by this professional figure are:

- Drafting of feasibility studies and work programmes;

- Drafting of Preliminary Design Documents (PDD) and design briefs for the rehabilitation of historic buildings;

- Preparation of tender documents for diagnostic, surveying and design services;

- Assistance in drafting tender documents for the works and supplies required to execute the works;

- Planning and implementation of works progress and completion inspections.

competencies associated to the function:

Specialist knowledge, competencies, skills and abilities are required to perform the above functions in the technical and engineering fields, integrated by complementary multidisciplinary competencies.

The specific competencies required to perform the characteristic tasks of this function include:

- The principles of public procurement and public tendering regulations;

- Operational programming and strategic planning techniques and tools for building works contracts;

- The theories of metadesign and performance design methods;

- The organisation of implementation processes and technologies used in the strengthening and rehabilitation of historic buildings;

- Legislation in the landscape protection, environmental and town planning fields, legal requirements concerning building comfort and energy savings;

- The theories of historic building preservation and protection and conservation laws;

- Advanced self-learning and lifelong learning competencies;

- Transversal communication and interpersonal skills.

career opportunities:

The main career opportunities available immediately to programme graduates include employment as technical officers of the Public Administration; technical manager/officer in contracting companies working in the strengthening and upgrading and retrofit of historic buildings; - Technical Officer for Public authorities or private businesses managing real estate, Engineer in civil and environmental fields, working in a freelance capacity.

Due to the increasing sectoralisation of tasks recorded in these markets, graduates may be required to acquire additional specialisation in one or more professional sectors, attending Professional Master's Programmes or other post-graduate courses.

Senior engineer of building systems, specialised in the Historic Building Strengthening and Rehabilitation.

function in a professional context:

This professional figure is specialised in the diagnosis of the conditions of historic buildings and the critical factors compromising their preservation, identifying the cultural value and the constraints applied and in the design, planning and management of the required works to consolidate, restore and requalify them to ensure their preservation and usage, using appropriate procedures and methods.

The professional roles held by this figure include:

- Technical Officer/Manager for Public authorities;

- Technical Officer/Manager in private companies working in the strengthening and rehabilitation of historic buildings and complementary sectors;

- Technical Manager/Officer in companies providing diagnostic and surveying services;

- After passing the State Exam, they may work in a professional capacity as Engineer in civil and environmental fields, with competencies prescribed by law for this figure.

To perform the tasks required by this function, the professional figure liaises with diagnostics and surveying technicians; architectural designers and restoration and systems specialists; public authorities in charge of building inspections and the protection of historic buildings.

The main activities characterising this professional figure include the drafting of accurate diagnoses of the state of preservation and the functional performance and reliability of historic buildings, in compliance with the protection and conservation requirements, the project design, the management of the works and verification of their effectiveness, to ensure the preservation of buildings and allow their usage in compliance with the legal provisions.

competencies associated to the function:

Specialist knowledge, competencies, skills and abilities are required to perform the above functions in the technical and engineering fields, integrated by complementary multidisciplinary competencies. The specific competencies required to perform the characteristic tasks of this function include:

- The critical analysis of the historic building, describing its cultural value, the elements worth safeguarding and the applicable protection constraints;

- The accurate survey of the features and components of the historic building and the diagnosis of the state of preservation and structural reliability, as well as its response to stress;

- The identification of the strengthening and rehabilitation works required to ensure the preservation of the building and allow its usage, organisation of relative implementation processes and selection of appropriate technologies;

- Design of the works, supervision of their performance and verification of their effectiveness;

- Advanced self-learning and lifelong learning competencies;

- Transversal communication and interpersonal skills.

career opportunities:

The main career opportunities available immediately to programme graduates include employment in the following positions:

- Civil service, as Assistant Project Manager and/or Assistant Works Director;

- Employee in private companies working in the field of diagnostics, surveying, strengthening and rehabilitation of historic buildings:

- Assistant Technical Director;

- In a freelance capacity: Civil and environmental engineer (after passing the State Exam).

Due to the increasing sectoralisation of tasks recorded in these markets, graduates may be required to acquire additional specialisation in one or more professional sectors, attending Professional Master's Programmes or other post-graduate courses.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.