Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Fashion studies

Tavolo della Moda

Tavolo della moda (Fashion Board)

In 2009, the Tavolo della moda (Fashion Board) was established, a discussion and work board promoted by Uni.Rimini and by the representatives of the Degree Courses in Fashion at the Rimini Campus.

Uni.Rimini spa established in 2009 the "Fashion Board", with the aim of creating and strengthening a synergistic collaboration between Universities and Fashion Companies in the area to share experiences and contribute to the growth of professional profiles.


The Board is made up of Uni.Rimini spa, teachers of the Degree Course in Fashion Cultures and Techniques and of the Master's Degree in Fashion Culture and Management, Companies Aeffe, Fuzzi, Gilmar, Teddy, Moretti Moda, Interfashion and business and trade Associations: Confindustria, CNA, Confartigianato.


22nd MAY 2018

Participating: Simone Badioli (Aeffe), Luigi Barca (Gilmar), Andrea Prosperi (Teddy), Claudia Marcante (Interfashion), Enrico Tedaldi (Confindustria Romagna), Francesca Casadei (Confartigianato), Leonardo Cagnoli (Uni.Rimini), Barbara Bonfiglioli ( Uni.Rimini e Fuzzi), Lorenzo Succi (Uni.Rimini), Federica Muzzarelli (Culture and Fashion Techniques), Simona Segre Reinach (Fashion Culture and Management), Giovanni Matteucci (QuVi Department), Gustavo Marfia (Culture and Fashion Techniques ), Fabriano Fabbri (Fashion Culture and Management), Daniela Baroncini (Culture and Fashion Techniques).

Topics covered: activities and planning of the 2018/2019 Fashion Board which highlights the intensity of the past year and the importance of collaboration with the social partners to focus on the needs of local companies. Presentation of the amendment of the legislation and reshaping of the didactic plan.

In the CLA programs it is expected to strengthen the contemporaneity of fashion and more professionalizing skills increasingly requested by companies and a greater orientation work for the outgoing students. Research is also expected to be strengthtened by making checks, grants and doctorates available. After the positive visit of the ANVUR, some critical issues were highlighted and the plan is to homogenize the entry skills (OFA test, which verifies the indispensable ability of text understanding and production), renewed attention to the professional profiles (with the position of the Archivist becoming more and more listed) and more attention paid to the English language. For the FCM course it was decided to level out more the first year students (whose culture and preparations are very different, more than 50% of students are foreign) and to unify "cultures" and "trends" of the second year in a single major ("Cultures and trends"), as the "management" one is preferred. The Board is also thinking about the new Design curriculum. Presentation of the CFC website and research group, Clust-ER meetings and Fashion Valley project, virtual reality laboratory (140,000 euros of funding), research projects and doctorates. The Fashion Recruiting Day of October 9, 2018 is designed to make students talk directly with the working world. Finally, subject of the discussion was a training course, planned to be jointly built by the Company and the University.

7th APRIL 2017



21st AND 28th APRIL 2017




Participating: Assessor Palma Costi, Assessor Francesca Mattioli, Silvano Bertini (Research and Innovation Development), Barbara Busi (ASTER), Nicolò Panzini (operator Area S3 Rimini), prof.Sergio Brasini (Campus Coordinator of Rimini), prof. Giovanni Matteucci, Prof. Federica Muzzarelli, Leonardo Cagnoli (President of Uni.Rimini spa), Barbara Bonfiglioli (vice-president of Uni.Rimini spa - Coordinator of the Fashion Board), Lorenzo Succi (director of Uni.Rimini spa), Nadia Rossi (director regional), Giorgio Pruccoli (regional councilor).

Topics covered: looking forward to a possible regional profile of the Fashion Board, the meeting was held with the Councilor of the Emilia Romagna Region to the Productive Activities, Doctor Palma Costi. This day presented the activities and future projects of the Fashion Board and possible developments in the field of higher education held by the teachers of the Rimini Campus of the Fashion CdL and the Campus Coordinator. The Assessor Palma Costi presented the "Fashion Valley" project which aims to welcome and collect the “Made in Italy” excellences of the Emilia Romagna region to share its values, experiences and future objectives in the educational, productive and cultural fields. In the afternoon there were visits to some of the companies taking part in the Fashion Board: Aeffe Spa, Fuzzi Spa and Teddy Spa. These companies testify how important is the link and collaboration between the university system and the business economic system.



The meeting of the Fashion Board with the Magnificent Rector, prof Francesco Ubertini, that took place on 23 november 2016 at UniRimini represented an important moment of visibility, recognition and sharing of the activities carried out. The Rector motivated the members of the Board to continue along their path, emphasizing the ability of the Board to create a link and an active and synergistic collaboration between the university system and the territorial system, indicating it as a model of fruitful collaboration and sharing of projects to expand so to include collaborations with various research areas present within the University of Bologna and has urged in a short time the enlargement to a regional and national dimension of the Board in order to involve the companies of the Fashion system.

18th MAY 2016

Participating: Simone Badioli (Aeffe), Fausto Bacchini (Aeffe), Luigi Barca (Gilmar), Claudia Marcante (Interfashion), Andrea Moretti (Moretti Fashion), Andrea Prosperi (Teddy), Enrico Tedaldi (Unindustria), Francesca Casadei (Confartigianato) , Gabriele Frisoni (CNA Rimini), Renato Corbelli (CNA Rimini) prof. Fabriano Fabbri, prof. Giovanni Matteucci, prof. Roy Menarini, Prof. Federica Muzzarelli, Leonardo Cagnoli (Uni.Rimini spa), Barbara Bonfiglioli (Uni.Rimini spa), Leorenzo Succi (Uni.Rimini spa).

The meeting is held at GILMAR spa.

Topics covered: presentation of prof. Gustavo Marfia, teacher of E - Commerce for fashion and Information Technology for fashion, introduction of new subjects in business and financial organization within the framework of the MSc Master Degree, laboratory project "Digital Technologies for Online Marketing", presentation of the new research project Innovation of Business Communication of Fashion.

10th FEBRUARY 2016

Participating: Simone Badioli (Aeffe), Fausto Bacchini (Aeffe), Luigi Barca (Gilmar), Claudia Marcante (Interfashion), Andrea Moretti (Moretti Fashion), Andrea Prosperi (Teddy), Enrico Tedaldi (Unindustria), Francesca Casadei (Confartigianato) , Gabriele Frisoni (CNA Rimini) Renato Corbelli (CNA Rimini), prof. Fabriano Fabbri, prof. Giovanni Matteucci, prof. Roy Menarini, Prof. Federica Muzzarelli, Leonardo Cagnoli (Uni.Rimini spa), Barbara Bonfiglioli (Uni.Rimini spa), Lorenzo Succi (Uni.Rimini spa).

The meeting is held at AEFFE.

Topics covered: presentation of the new Coordinator of Master in Fashion Culture and Management, presentation of the Summer School in Fashion and Creativity (9 to 13 May 2016), presentation of the Master in Fashion Design and Technology at Unibo in collaboration with the Research Italy Foundation , new law on apprenticeship. Presentation of the following projects: seminars incompanies for students of the Master's Degree, Work in Progress, Job meeting, meeting between teachers of the degree course and staff working at Aeffe who graduated in Rimini, research project for innovation in business communication and a 30-hour seminar to acquire skills in Web Marketing and use of social techniques for Fashion Industry web portals and e-commerce sites.

19th MAY 2015

Participating: Fausto Bacchini (Aeffe), Carlotta Catrani (IO NO FUI), Luigi Barca (Gilmar), Carlotta Catrani (JO NO FUI), Enrico Tedaldi (Unindustria), Claudia Marcante (Interfashion spa), Roberto Corbelli (CNA Rimini), Gabriele Frisoni (CNA), Andrea Moretti (Moretti Fashion).

Topics covered: photography project 02, 2014/2015 excellence internship project at: Copen -Baldinini, Jonofui SRL, Aeffe SPA, Aesse Projects and Mina Gamboni, special lectures calendar academic year 2014/2015, conference "Perspectives and methods of research in contemporary art" scheduled for 22-23 September 2014, "Web Party" 12/13/14 September at Embassy - Rimini.

16th OCTOBER 2014

Participating: Fausto Bacchini (Aeffe), Luigi Barca (Gilmar), Carlotta Catrani (JO NO FUI), Melina Biscaglia (Fuzzi), Claudia Marcante (Interfashion spa), Enrico Tedaldi (Unindustria), Carlotta Catrani (JO NO FUI), Roberto Corbelli (CNA Rimini), Gabriele Frisoni (CNA), prof. Fabriano Fabbri, prof. Giovanni Matteucci, Prof. Federica Muzzarelli.

Topics covered: presentation of the new companies that are now part of the Board, inauguration of the Master in Fashion Culture and Management, organization of the 2015 Summer School Fashion and creativity, the Excellence Traineeships. The report also addresses the intwerwiev of Dr. Simone Badioli, CEO AEFFE and chairman of the Confindustria Rimini fashion, on the results achieved by the Board from the its creation to 2014.

3rd APRIL 2014

Participating: Fausto Bacchini (Aeffe), Carlotta Catrani (JO NO FUI), Luigi Barca (Gilmar), Melina Biscaglia (Fuzzi), Claudia Marcante (Interfashion spa), Alessandro Rapone (CNA), Enrico Tedaldi (Unindustria), Roberto Corbelli ( CNA Federmoda Rimini), prof. Fabriano Fabbri, prof. Giovanni Matteucci, Prof. Federica Muzzarelli.

Topics covered: presentation of the Fashion Culture and Management Master Degree in English, of the Fashion and Creativity Summer School (23 - 27 June 2014) and of several other projects: the excellence internships (internship on Fashion), ZonemodaGalleries, the organization of the seminars for the next academic year.

24th OCTOBER 2013

Participating: Fausto Bacchini (Aeffe), Carlotta Catrani (JO NO FUI), Luigi Barca (Gilmar), Melina Biscaglia (Fuzzi), Claudia Marcante (Interfashion spa), Alessandro Rapone (CNA), Enrico Tedaldi (Unindustria), prof. Fabriano Fabbri, prof. Giovanni Matteucci, Prof. Federica Muzzarelli.

Topics covered: presentation of the new organization of the Laurea Magistrale Moda, and of several other projects: the strengthening of internationalization, the reinforcement of traineeships and workshops, the Summer School Fashion and Design 2014, Stage on Fashion, the excellence insternships - the editorial series dedicated to Moda society and contemporary cultures, the exhibitions inaugurated on 11/10 curated by Zonemoda for the new exhibition project dedicated to fashion by the Councilorship of Culture of the Municipality of Rimini, the “Biennale del Disegno” project, the fashion library of the Campus of Rimini.