Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Rimini Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Fashion studies

Curriculum Culture of Fashion: for students enrolled a.y. 2022-23

First Year

A) Compulsory Activities

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90984 Contemporary Fashion L-ART/03 6
90985 Film and Fashion L-ART/06 6
90978 I.C. Of Fashion Language and Organisation
90979  English for Fashion L-LIN/11 6
90980  Fashion Company Organisation SECS-P/10 6
90975 I.C. of Aestetic Culture
90976  Everyday Aesthetics M-FIL/04 6
90977  Pop Culture Theory M-FIL/04 6
90981 I.C. of Fashion Strategy
90982  Data Science and Immersive Technologies for Fashion E-commerce INF/01 6
90983  Strategic Management for the Fashion System SECS-P/08 6
90974 Places and Spaces of Contemporary Architecture ICAR/18 6

B) 1 Activity to be chosen among (6 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
91105 Art Fashion and Society SPS/08 6
91106 Fashion and Cultural Heritage M-STO/04 6
91107 Sociosemiotics of Fashion M-FIL/05 6

Second Year

A) 1 Activity to be chosen among (6 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
91712 Writing for Fashion in Anglo-American Culture L-LIN/11 6
91711 Writing for Fashion in Italian and European Culture L-FIL-LET/11 6

B) 2 Activities to be chosen among (12 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90988 Aesthetics of Fashion M-FIL/04 6
90986 Global Fashion SPS/08 6
90987 Social History of Fashion M-STO/04 6

C) Eligible Courses among Unibo Teachings (min limit 12 CFU)

D) 12 CFU to be chosen among (12 CFU)

cfu ? Credits
60749 Internship 12
B0714 Seminars: Design and Communication 6
B0715 Seminars: Marketing and Management 6
B0716 Seminars: Trends and Culture 6

E) Final Examination (18 CFU)

Final Examination (18 CFU) (max limit 18 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
75614 Final Examination 18
Final Examination (6 CFU) with Internship (12 CFU) (max limit 18 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
86265 Final Test (6 CFU) 6
86267 Internship for Preparation for the Final Examination (12 CFU)
If you choose this activity you will carry an internship aimed at writing a final dissertation. The internship project must be linked to the dissertation project, and agreed with the thesis supervisor. Find more information on Studying > Curricular Internships
Final examination (6 CFU) with Internship (6 CFU) and Preparation for the final examination abroad (6 CFU) (max limit 18 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
86265 Final Test (6 CFU) 6
86233 Internship for Preparation for the Final Examination (6 CFU) (LM)
If you choose this activity you will carry an internship aimed at writing a final dissertation. The internship project must be linked to the dissertation project, and agreed with the thesis supervisor. Find more information on Studying > Curricular Internships
86232 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad (6 CFU) (LM)
Choosing this activity you will carry the research for your thesis at a foreign institution. You will be able to apply for a call for applications for thesis abroad published each year by the Department
Final examination (6 CFU) with Internship abroad (12 CFU) (max limit 18 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
86265 Final Test (6 CFU) 6
86261 Internship Abroad for Preparation for the Final Examination (LM)
If you choose this activity you will carry an internship abroad aimed at writing a final dissertation. The internship abroad project must be linked to the dissertation project, and agreed with the thesis supervisor. Find more information on Studying > Curricular Internships and Studying > Internships abroad
Final examination (6 CFU) with Internship abroad (6 CFU) and Preparation for the final examination abroad (6 CFU) (max limit 18 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
86265 Final Test (6 CFU) 6
86238 Internship Abroad to Prepare for the Final Examination (6 CFU) (LM)
If you choose this activity you will carry an internship abroad aimed at writing a final dissertation. The internship abroad project must be linked to the dissertation project, and agreed with the thesis supervisor. Find more information on Studying > Curricular Internships and Studying > Internships abroad
86232 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad (6 CFU) (LM)
Choosing this activity you will carry the research for your thesis at a foreign institution. You will be able to apply for a call for applications for thesis abroad published each year by the Department
Final examination (6 CFU) with Preparation for the final examination abroad (12 CFU) (max limit 18 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
86265 Final Test (6 CFU) 6
86266 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad (12 CFU)
Choosing this activity you will carry the research for your thesis at a foreign institution. You will be able to apply for a call for applications for thesis abroad published each year by the Department