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Call for Applications for scholarships for the Preparation of the Final Examination Abroad

Students of Fashion Studies, Department of the Arts – DAR, Campus of Rimini, year 2024

Published on 13 March 2024

This is an adapted English abstract of the original Call for Applications in Italian and is made only for publicity purposes. To enforce the call, resolve any dispute and for all legal purposes only the Italian version will be valid, and will prevail in the exact interpretation of the rules contained within.


More information is available in the Call for Applications.

The scholarships are reserved exclusively for students enrolled in the 2023/24 academic year in the 2nd year of the Master's degree programme LM-65 Fashion Studies who, at the time of submitting the application, have already agreed with the supervisor on the title of the thesis/project, and have sufficient time available to carry out the proposed programme.

Applications can be submitted from 12/02/2024 at 9:00 to 15/04/2024 at 13:00.

Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.

The assessment will be carried out by the Department’s evaluation board: Prof. Ines Tolic, Prof. Stefano Marino, Prof. Daniela Calanca, Prof. Mariella Lorusso (alternate member) within a month after the application deadline, and the ranking list, with student registration numbers, will be published on

Each candidate will specify in his/her application the mobility period, which cannot be shorter than 5 weeks and longer than 17 continuous weeks, and must take place between 10/06/2024 and 31/12/2024.


The scholarships will be assigned as follows:

  • € 150 for each week;
  • € 250 for travel expenses in a European country;
  • € 450 for travel expenses in a non-European country.

For the 2024 scholarships the Department of the Arts will provide 5.000 euros



Applications must be uploaded online (Studenti Online All candidates must provide:

  1. Application form, with date and signature, under penalty of exclusion (Modulo A available on Studenti Online);
  2. Curriculum vitae;
  3. A detailed thesis project (written in Italian or in English), structured as follows:
    1. Title of the project;
    2.  Abstract (300 words maximum);
    3. Objectives and methods of the research project abroad;
    4. Motivations for the choice of the foreign location (e.g. how it is relevant for the research);
    5. Description of the hosting institution or research group.
  4. A declaration from the thesis supervisor in which s/he approves the project, and states the willingness of the foreign institution to welcome the candidate;
  5. Tax and social security data form (Modulo B available on Studenti Online).


To upload the applications, the candidates will have to log into, using their Unibo credentials, click on “bandi” and select "Bando di concorso per tesi all’estero – Dipartimento delle Arti sede di Rimini - bando 2024" - (in the English version: "Call for applications for theses abroad – Department of the Arts Campus of Rimini - call 2024").

It is not possible to benefit from more than one grant during the same period of mobility (prohibition of double financing) and it is only possible to benefit from consecutive periods of mobility in the same academic year if these periods of mobility have different purposes.


For more information on proper application submission, contact the relevant office: