Why should you run for student representative positions?
- To be the voice of your student community by bringing forward needs, concerns, and ideas.
- To be active in shaping a university environment that reflects the interests and priorities of students.
- To join a dynamic group that advocates for student needs within the University.
- To get involved in university life and gain insight into how our University works.
- To develop valuable skills and experiences that will benefit you in your future career and social engagements.
What are the responsabilities of a student representative?
- Maintain contact with the student community of reference (e.g., students of your Study Program);
- Act as a spokesperson for the student community to the faculty community by participating in the meetings of the bodies, addressing the needs and perspectives of the student community on teaching and services used;
- Maintain contact with other students within the representation system in the various governance bodies (Study Program, CPDS, Department, Student Council) to promote proper circular communication.
Learn more about student elections