Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Fashion studies

What's new in the degree programme for the a.y. 2024/25

The Master's degree programme in Fashion Studies will change from the a.y. 2024/25

Published on 08 January 2024

What changes for those already enrolled

For those who enrolled in A.Y. 2023/2024 and in previous academic years, nothing will change.
You will complete your studies as planned, according to the didactic plan of the academic year of your enrolment.

What changes for those who will enroll from A.Y. 2024/25

Those enrolling in A.Y. 2024/25 will study with a new study plan, and will have to opt for new curricula, different from the previous ones. Admission requirements and modalities will also change.

The updated information will be published as soon as available.