Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Fashion studies

Programme aims

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6059 - Fashion Studies

Fashion Studies (FAST) is a multidisciplinary second-cycle degree programme, delivered entirely in English. In the context of FAST, Fashion is understood as a complex system of discourses, images andobjects, where the traditional phases of the industrial production system (design, production, sale and consumption) combine with the challenges of the present age: digitisation, sustainability, gender equality and cultural decolonisation. The programme comprises course units in the humanities, design and economics, the content of which is reinforced by the opportunities offered by internships or workshop specialisations. With this approach, FAST enters the university landscape with an original training project calibrated to the present day, aiming to train professionals capable of emerging in what may be considered the most competitive cultural and creative industry.In the first year, students encounter mainly humanistic courses, enabling them to understand the most advanced theories and methods of investigation in the field of Fashion. Right from the start, the programme encourages confrontation with the fields of design and business strategy, offering students the opportunity to further their knowledge and develop specific interests before choosing a second-year specialisation.In the second year, the degree programme can take different tracks.On the one hand, FAST enables the acquisition of specific knowledge in the field of communication strategies and design for the fashion system, ranging from conceptual design to communication design, including exhibition and retail design. Emphasis is placed on points of contact with the field of marketing, on strategic communication, and on the possibilities offered by the digital sphere.On the other hand, FAST encompasses economic-organisational courses, providing an understanding of the fashion system at business and corporate level. In particular, managerial subjects allow students to learn about the structure of a company and to operate actively in the business, optimising the creation of value for the market and for the company itself, and adapting the operational dynamics of management to the fashion system.With its international profile, the programme aims to train students for the global dimension of the creative and productive culture underlying the 'Made in Italy' industry. In addition, training in the English language strengthens that set of competencies needed to face the fashion market worldwide.The 2nd cycle degree / two year Master programme aims to develop design, relational, management and organisational expertise, applied to the creative and productive fashion industry. In these professional fields, in order to perform some functions with greater levels of independence and responsibility, further skills may be acquired through internships and/or post-graduate vocational courses. Graduates are able to take on these post-graduate courses thanks to the cultural knowledge, critical and methodological skills, and learning skills developed during the two-year programme.The described skills are developed through lectures, tutoring, multimedia laboratories, tailoring workshops, lectures by experts, workshops, local and national research projects, guided tours and internships.