Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Fashion studies


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6059 - Fashion Studies

Professional profiles

professional profile

EXPERT/CONSULTANT IN COMMUNICATION AND DESIGN STRATEGIES FOR THE FASHION SYSTEMFunction in a professional contextArt direction in the field of product communication, space design and event organisation for the fashion system.With increasing levels of independence in proportion to both experience and specialisation, these professional figures perform the following functions:- They carry out concept research and, in a system perspective, collaborates in prototyping processes with the aim of integrating the development phase with the subsequent communication phase;- They manage the product promotion phase by developing appropriate visual, digital, spatial and/or experiential communication projects;- They follow the commercial and/or cultural staging of the product with expertise in exhibition design;- They protect corporate heritage, with particular reference to fashion archives, through up-to-date enhancement strategies that include the use of IT and digital resources;- They also participate, with a coordinating role, in the design and executive teams of cultural events, exhibitions and/or fashion shows with a multidisciplinary project approach and a global vision.Skills associated with the function- Ability to enhance the value of fashion in the contemporary economic, social and cultural scenario characterised by increasingly rapid evolutionary cycles;- Ability to devise and coordinate visual, digital, spatial and/or experiential communication projects related to the international commercial and/or cultural sector;- Ability to assess the impact of communication projects through up-to-date historical-critical knowledge from a transnational and multicultural perspective.Career Opportunities- Companies that require an art director with a focus on the fashion system;- Communication agencies (visual, digital, spatial and/or experiential) operating in fashion;- Companies, institutes and/or associations operating in the field of exhibitions, shows and, more generally, in the staging of products with reference to the commercial and/or cultural sphere.STRATEGIC ORGANISATION AND MARKETING EXPERT/CONSULTANT FOR THE FASHION INDUSTRYFunction in a professional contextData science for fashion, omnichannel fashion marketing, strategic management for the fashion system.With increasing levels of independence proportionate to both experience and specialisation, these professional figures perform the following functions:- They assist the management team in strategic-management decisions, at business and corporate level;- They recognise how the company generates value in national and international markets by drawing on corporate heritage;- They coordinate the company's management needs with its communicative, creative and cultural strategies;- They develop omnichannel marketing strategies and manage relationships with product distribution channels;- They deal with the management aspects of product development and communication from the point of view of the fashion system.Skills associated with the function- Ability to apply sectoral and market analytical methodologies - Ability to assess business expansion possibilities, also in emerging contexts- Ability to identify sales approaches and distribution forms best suited to the product/market- Ability to analyse the global competitive environment - Ability to harmonise creative and managerial processesCareer Opportunities- Companies in the fashion system, with particular but not exclusive reference to textiles-clothing, at various levels of the supply chain;- Companies, institutes and/or associations offering advice/services to companies operating in the fashion system;- Consultancies and observatories specialising in forecasting and analysing market trends.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master universitario di secondo livello.