Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Fashion studies

Request for recognition of work or extra-university activities in lieu of internship

If you have carried out an extra-university activity related with your course of study, you can ask to recognize it as an internship.

An extra-university activity is a working activity, or as such, such as a voluntary internship carried out through a promoting body different from the University (internship to entry into employment).

It is possible to present a request of recognition in any period of the year, and at least 6 months before the graduation date, regardless of the existence of a convention between University and host body where the extra-university activity has been carried out.

If the internship to recognize is optional, it has to be inclued in the study plan before presenting the request.

Just like the internship, it is not possible to present request for activities carried out in companies where the manager, responsible or partner has a family relationship within the 2 grade with the applying student.

The work activity must have been carried out no more than two years prior to the date of registration.

The maximum limit of CFUs recognisable for work experience for the purposes of the curricular internship is 12 CFUs.
Activities that have already been recognised for the purposes of awarding credits within Bachelor's degree programmes may not be recognised again as course credits within Master's degree courses.

Please note that work activities that include, even minimally, experience as a salesperson are excluded from the recognition.

To demand the recognition you must present at the Student Administration Office, preferibly via mail at the following address via Cattaneo, 17 47921 Rimini:


Request of recognition of credits for extra-university activities;

- Certificate of working / extra-curricular / other activities, issued by the Host Organisation on headed notepaper, with stamp and original signature of the person in charge (available in the "Attachments" box), which must include the following information
- The employment relationship with qualification;
- The tasks carried out with an indication of how they were carried out in terms of commitment, responsibility, autonomy of the student

Report of performed extra-curricular activity, to be drawn up in plain paper with signatures of the student and company

The recognition request will be evaluated by the Degree Programme Board. The outcome will be communicated to the Student Administration Office within 60 days from the date of presentation of the request. In case of positive outcome, the internship will be registered without meeting the student.

For further information regarding the recognition please contat the Internship Office.

For information concerning forms:




Tel: +39 0541.434227

FAX: +39 051.2086360

Address: via Cattaneo, 17 (2nd floor), 47921 – RIMINI

We inform you that, following the urgent measures to contain the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, the offices of the Campus of Rimini will be guaranteed only through virtual desks.The telephone line is active on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 to 11.15 am.

To deliver documents:


Via Cattaneo, 17 (gound floor), 47921 - RIMINI  



Virtual desk
Mon 9:00- 11:15
Tues 14:30 - 15:30
Wed 9:00- 11:15
Thur 14:30 - 15:30
Fri 9:00- 11:15