Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Global cultures


28 March 2018

5.00-7.00 pm • Aula PRODI

Rosi Braidotti (Utrecht University)

This lecture begins by defining the posthuman turn in the contemporary Humanities interms of the convergence between post-humanism – which critiques the ideal of Mas as themeasure of all thigs- and post-anthropocentrism – which critiques species hierarchy.It addresses posthuman scholarship not as a symptom of crisis, but rather as a vitalregeneration of the field. What are the parameters that define posthuman subjects ofknowledge? The lecture goes on to present a critical framework to understand the emergingfield of the critical posthumanities – notably the Environmental and the Digital Humanities.It proposes a cartography of the different posthumanities and explores their interactionwith both traditional Humanities disciplines and the interdisciplinary critical “studies” areas,notably gender and postcolonial studies.  What is posthuman ethical accountability inscholarship today?