Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Global cultures


Bruno Riccio (University of Bologna)

November 29 - December 2 • 5.00-7.00 pm • Aula GAMBI

GLOC students who will participate to the seminar will be provided with a preliminary introduction to the main characteristics of the anthropological perspectives towards Migration. The second part of the seminar will explore West African Migration, contextualized through the lens of the Senegalese and European experience of transnationalism, co-development and citizenship – ending with the case of the children of migrants and the racism they encounter. 

The course is structured as follows:

1. General introduction to socio-anthropological approaches towards mobility (discussion of keywords such as ethnicity, transnationalism, multiculturalism, borders and boundaries).

2. Case studies on:
• African cultures of migration – the example of Senegal
• West African Associations Transnational and Civic Engagements in an European context
• Citizenship and the second generation: post migration diversity and the challenges of everyday racism.


Tusday, Nov. 29:
Introduction to the anthropological approach of migration

  • Brettell, Caroline (2015) "Theorizing migration in anthropology: The social construction of networks, identities, communities, and globalscapes," in Brettell & Hollifield (eds.) Migration theory:Talking across disciplines, Routledge. London
  • Levitt, Peggy and Nina Glick Schiller, 2004. “Conceptualizing Simultaneity: A Transnational Social Field Perspective on Society” in International Migration Review 38 (3)
  • Vertovec, Steven (2007) 'Introduction: New directions in the anthropology of migration and multiculturalism', Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30:6, 961-978
  • Vertovec, Steven (2011) "The cultural politics of nation and migration”, Annual Review of Anthropology, 40

Wednesday, Nov. 30:
"Cultures of Migration" seen from the sending context : Lecture + Film + Discussion

  • Gardner, Katy (1993) "Desh and bidesh: Sylheti images of home and away." Man 28 (1)
  • Riccio, Bruno (2005) ‘Talkin’ about migration. Some ethnographic notes on the ambivalent representation of migrants in contemporary Senegal’, Stichproben, Vienna Journal of African Studies, 8
  • Degli Uberti, Stefano, Victims of their Fantasies or Heroes for a Day? Media Representations, Local History and Daily Narratives on Boat Migrations from Senegal*, Cahiers d’Études africaines, LIV (1-2), 213-214, 2014, pp. 81-113.

Thursday, Dec. 1
Diaspora, Home Associations and Co-development: Lecture + Film + Discussion

  • Claire Mercer, Ben Page and Martin Evans, (2009) Unsettling connections: transnational networks, development and African home associations, Global Networks 9, 2: 141–161
  • Riccio, Bruno (2008) 'West African Transnationalisms Compared: Ghanaians and Senegalese in Italy', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 34:2, 217-234
  • Riccio Bruno, (2011) Rehearsing Transnational Citizenship: Senegalese Associations, Co-development and Simultaneous Inclusion
  • Smith, Michael Peter(2007)'The two faces of transnational citizenship',Ethnic and Racial Studies,30:6,1096-1116

Friday, Dec. 2:
Citizenship and The Children of Immigrants: Lecture + web exploration + Discussion

  • Colombo, Enzo , Domaneschi, Lorenzo and Marchetti, Chiara(2011) 'Citizenship and multiple belonging. Representations of inclusion, identification and participation among children of immigrants in Italy', Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 16: 3, 334-347
  • Fassin, D. (2002)  “The biopolitics of Otherness:Undocumented foreigners and racial discrimination in French public debate”  Anthropology Today 17:(1)
  • Riccio, Bruno (2016) ‘Political Spaces. The ambivalent experiences of Italian second-generation associations’ in Nibbs, F., Brettell, C. (eds.) Identity and the Second Generation. How Children of Immigrants Find Their Space, Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville