Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Global cultures


Paolo Gaibazzi (University of Bologna)

from 22 May 2023 at 17:00 to 25 May 2023 at 18:45

Aula Specola - In presence event

In this seminar, we will look at im/mobility and borders as two intrinsically related aspects of globalization. Mobility - ranging from migrant labour to transport, to commercial flows, to the circulation of information and knowledge - is undoubtedly a foundation of global dynamics. In the wake of security over the past two decades, however, techniques of control, restriction and prevention of movement have increasingly become globalized, too. Borders themselves, while often being materially and symbolically demarcated at territorial boundaries, have become mobile practices of bordering distributed within and across national spaces. The aim of the senior seminar is to provide students with an analytical toolbox for them to investigate the interplay between mobility and borders in the making of global cultures. Migration and migration control will be our case in point and training ground. We will investigate the history and contemporary spread of models, ideas and practices of mobility regulation, and their undergirding politics of human differentiation. Relatedly, we will analyse the human forms and socio-cultural elements brought about mobilities and bordering practices.