Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Global cultures


Ulrike Schaper (Freie Universität Berlin)

from 03 April 2023 at 17:00 to 05 April 2023 at 19:00

Aula Specola - In presence event

Tourism has increased in number over the 20th century - until the sudden slump due to the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the World Tourism Organization’s annual report, in 2019, the steadily growing number of international tourists (defined as overnight visitors) reached just above 1.5 billion.

The group of tourists also socially broadened over the course of the 20th century. Furthermore, even people who are not mobile themselves are confronted with tourism. As friends and family members, they listen to travel stories, look at photographs, and receive souvenirs. As members of the host societies, they provide local tourism services or have interests that align or rival with those of tourists. The cultural, social, political, and economic significance of tourism is undeniable. This class traces tourism’s emergence from the late 19th century. We will discuss to what extent tourism is a normatively loaded term and think about how tourism can be defined and differentiated from other forms of mobility. We explore the close connection between transport and tourism and the importance of travelling for the tourism experience. Finally, we discuss to what extent tourism enabled an “authentic” experience of the host culture and think about the effects of tourism on host societies. In general, the class focuses on tourism practices, tourist experiences and the touristification of cultures rather than the economic and business-related aspects.