Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Politics and Markets

Internship abroad for final examination

Dissertation internships are learning activities that allow students to obtain part of the credits associated with their Final examination, while also acquiring practical skills and taking their first steps into the professional world.

Internships are carried out on the basis of an agreement between the University of Bologna and a hosting Structure, (company, public body, professional firm abroad), who both agree to sign an internship programme.

N.B.: The internship cannot be carried out in a company/organization whose legal representative, associate or director has family relationships or similar relations (up to second degree relatives) with the applying student.

Who is eligible

The dissertation internship is an opportunity for students regularly enrolled at the University of Bologna and who, in agreement with the academic supervisor, are authorised to prepare the Internship Abroad For Preparation Of The Final Examination.


Internships normally have a duration of 25 hours for every educational credit (CFU) assigned to them in the course structure diagram.

So the Group 5 - group of choice final examination (16 CFU) can be divided as follows:

  • Internship Abroad For Preparation Of The Final Examination --   12 CFU = 300 hours      and
  • Final examination --- 4 CFU


The effective duration may be extended by a maximum of 20% compared to the nominal duration upon a duly justified request by the trainee and the host company/organization.

How to apply for a curricular internship

  1. Verify if you are regularly enrolled;
  2. Once you have found a Host Structure and have agreed the title and timing of the dissertation with the supervisor, download “Modulo 1” (see attachment), fill it in, sign it and send it by e-mail to the Internship office (with the academic supervisor in cc) for the partition of the CFUs of the final dissertation
  3. Follow the online course on health and safety measures in the workplace.
  4. Choose your firm or company To choose where to carry out your internship, log in to the Online Traineeship Service where you can find our partners (that have already signed an agreement with the University) and the list of the available internship offers. If you find a company that is willing host you, but it is not registered on our platform, send the company details (name of the company, name of the company supervisor, email, and phone number) to the internship office, which will make sure to initiate an agreement procedure.  The timing of the conclusion of the agreements depends on the response times of the companies/bodies and on the dates of the meetings of the Internship Committee.
  5. Activate the internship on the Online Traineeship Service
  • Apply for an internship offer or send your request (“autocandidatura”): upload your CV, a cover letter and choose your academic supervisor). At each step, you will receive constant updates about your application by mail.


  • Acceptance by the “company” and validation of the academic supervisor

The company accepts your internship application or request, through the Online Traineeship Service and fill out the Internship Programme (goals, activities, working time, tutor); the programme will be checked by the internship office and then the academic supervisor has to validate/reject/modify it.


  • Approval of the internship

Applications validated by the academic tutor will be submitted once a month to the competent Internship Committee, which must authorise their activation.


  • Upload of the Internship Programme.

After the approval of your Internship, you must download the Internship Programme, sign it, obtain the “company” representative's signature, and finally upload the programme together with a copy of an identity document of the company's representative (in a single PDF file).


  • Download the attendance register

After the Internship office has verified your programme, you have to download and print the attendance register and then start your internship.


During the internship

After the approval, you may start your Internship that has to be carried out during the period in between the start and end dates shown on the attendance register. On the attendance register, you have to record daily: date, the daily hours of activity, the type of tasks and request that the Host Contact Person add their signature in the corresponding box.


Please make sure that the Internship hours do not exceed 8 hours per day/40 hours per week.

Your representatives are the company’s supervisor and the academic supervisor.


The internship’s activity must be continuous. In case of interruptions lasting more than ten days, you must alert the internship office, which must subsequently inform the Internship Committee.


In case of travel to sites not indicated on the internship programme, the company tutor must notify the internship office in advance (24h earlier) by email communicating the date, place of travel, the reason and information on the people accompanying the trainee. Please note that the insurance coverage does not cover liabilities outside the workplace and therefore students are not allowed to leave the workplace during the recorded working hours.


Withdrawal, interruption, suspension of the internship

If you intend to withdraw or interrupt your internship for reasons that do not allow further continuation, you must notify the office below, stating your reasons to the internship office.


The internship must be as continuous as possible: in case of more than 10 days of continuous absence, you have to contact the internship office, which will inform the Committee to evaluate the possibility to interrupt the internship.


Insurance cover


All the students attending an internship programme within the framework of this University will be provided with an appropriate insurance covers against accidents at work and third-party liability claims.


Students can access the eLearning compulsory programme on general health and security in the workplace at:  "Sicurezza e Salute sul Lavoro – Formazione generale". This online training, if completed, will issue a valid Certificate on Health and security that may be presented to the hosting company or firm. Please note that, once the certificate is issued, it does not expire.


What to do at the end of the internship

  • Upload the Attendance Register online via the Online Traineeship Service.
  • Complete and upload the final report and obtain the tutor's validation.
  • Fill in the online final questionnaire.

The internship office checks all the documents uploaded online monthly and reports the list of completed internships to the professor in charge.