The objective of the second-cycle degreeprogramme in International Politics and Markets is to train professionalsworking at the crossroads of political science, international relations andeconomics, who are capable of understanding and analysing political, economicand global governance matters in a comprehensive manner. The degree programmeplaces special emphasis on the study of firms in a global political context andof international markets, which is uncommon for degree programmes in the LM-62classes and is, to some extent, unique in Italy. The cultural and professionalprofile to be formed is, accordingly, that of specialists who understands theinternational political, financial and economic architecture and, at the sametime, are able to operate successfully within firms active in internationalmarkets, partly as a result of the specific business finance and competitoranalysis skills developed. Theseprofessional skills are displayed by: specialists in economic policies andinternational finance: foreign trade relations specialists; political riskspecialists.
Inorder to satisfy the learning needs common to these profiles, the degreeprogramme envisages a curriculum that is structured with certain obligatorycourse units in political science and economics, especially in the first year,as preparation for the specialist course units. In turn, the latter providesynergistic skills deriving from the study of markets and internationalrelations between countries and geographical areas in terms of theirprivate-commercial and business-finance laws. The second-cycle degree programmealso adds the statistical-econometric quantitative skills needed to carry outempirical analyses of political, economic, financial and social phenomena at aninternational level.
Accordingly, the course units comprising thecurriculum can be grouped into three macro-areas of learning that, takentogether, provide the essential elements of the skills needed for theprofessional roles identified. The first area relates to InternationalEconomics. The knowledge and skills provided in this area relate to thefunctioning of the international markets and large international organisationsthat governing economic relations between States. The second area of learning relates toInternational Politics. The knowledge and skills provided in this area relateto understanding the global political context, policy and decision-makingsystems and international policies with regard to the environment, competition,welfare, migration and security. Lastly, the third area of learning related tothe Inter-disciplinary Analysis of Markets. This area encompasses all thecourse units offered by the degree programme that result in acquisition of theknowledge and skills needed to gather, understand and analyse the data andinformation necessary in order to operated in international markets.