Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Relations


LM International Relations (9084) is a highly qualified 2nd cycle degree programme which aims at providing students with a number of key skills and competences to compete in the international labour market, both private and public.

Students will get a broad and multidisciplinary view of the most recent economic and political phenomena, as well as an in-depth insight into the key differences that mark Asia, Africa, Americas, and Europe as different regions of the world.

The programme includes four curricula entirely taught in English. 

In particular, the programme aims to provide sound advanced training, extending and strengthening students' knowledge of the approach to international relations in historical, political, economic and politological subject areas.

Teaching methods include seminars, written assignments, oral presentations, the study of complex texts, use of case studies and simulations. These activities allow students to develop and apply their own personal and original approaches to research and study.

The interdisciplinary approach and in-depth study of different geo-political areas help to broaden students' knowledge and skills, allowing them to develop methodological and analytical skills for problem-solving in the working contexts graduates will operate in.

Advanced and profound knowledge of historical, legal, economic and political themes provide graduates with the flexible, professional profile demanded by the external stakeholders consulted.

Graduates will be able to organise and manage projects, apply their knowledge and skills to analyse and solve new problems and develop the abilities, which combined with skills acquired, are useful in negotiation and conflict mediation situations.

Language skills are particularly important professional tools:

English language proficiency is required to level B2.

Starting with the academic year 2018/2019, the program offers different curricula: European Affairs; International Affairs; Forecasting, Innovation and Change (FIC) (not available for a. y. 2022/2023); and Crime, Justice and Security entirely held in English, meant to attract  qualified students coming from European and Extra European countries, as well as Italian students.

The curriculum European Affairs (EUA) offers students the opportunity to specialize in the topics such as EU external relations, foreign policy, economic and trade policy, emphasizing the social and cultural dimensions of the European integration process. This curriculum aims at training future experts in European Union affairs, policies and institutions, and offers a comprehensive programme of instruction for students keen to work in the European public or private sectors. The programme provides students with deep knowledge in four macro-areas: political science, economics, area studies and European politics and institutions. A wide range of elective courses is offered that allows our graduates to stand out for their cross-cutting understanding of global issues that influence European politics. Students also have the possibility to learn a European language among French, German and Spanish, which will enhance their possibility to embark on an international career.

The curriculum International Affairs (IA) aims to develop professionals able to investigate and analyze geopolitical strategies, conflict mediation and security policies in the international context. The curriculum encourages the participation of students from different fields of studies and cultural backgrounds, and it trains specialists able to critically analyze political systems, the relationships between them, the reason for tensions and the political and economic role of international organizations, including the EU. The degree programme includes some core course units on the evolution of the international political and economic system, providing the basis for more specialised course units. A wide range of elective course units is available in politological, economic, historical, sociological and legal areas, aimed at developing flexible, interdisciplinary figures.

The curriculum Forecasting, Innovation and Change (FIC) (not available for a. y. 2022/2023) provides students with a set of tools for implementing foresight thinking while dealing with traditional topics of interest in the field of International Relations. The curriculum core courses are related to foresight methodology, ranging from quantitative and qualitative methods to innovative future desgin techniques. A versatile foresight toolkit must integrate research methods of social and natural sciences. As the big data revolution is helping to create new branches of science, and influencing areas of social science and the humanities, there is an unprecedented potential for bridging the gap between the "two cultures". Two elective courses have a strong linkage with the core courses: the first one deals with strategies and processes for creative thinking; the second one with modeling frameworks to study evolving patterns of interaction in multi-agent systems. Other core courses provide students with advanced knowledge of global trends in society, economics, politics and international relations. Students will also be able to choose from a wide set of elective courses. These courses will approach each topic - ranging from communication and information society, welfare, health and environmental policies to areas studies - from a dynamic rather than a static point of view. Students will qualify to a wide array of expert positions in the strategic/foresight units of private companies or public organizations and institutions.

The curriculum Crime Justice and Security intends to provide students with the adequate tools in different macro areas: politology, sociology, criminology, analysis of the borders, with a special focus on legal theory and analysis. It is aimed at students interested in the analysis of the evolution of the forms of crime and its repression in different international, transnational and cross-border contexts with an interdisciplinary approach. The curriculum aims to provide students with the knowledge to interpret the impact of crime on national and international security and to analyse law enforcement policies with reference to the different institutional levels and approaches used.

For Information about the Admission requirements please refer to the Admissions section.

International mobility

The degree programme provides students with a wide range of possibilities to spend part of their education period abroad. Erasmus+  funds provide periods of study or work in European Programme/Partners Countries, while Overseas offers a chance to cross the oceans and study in prestigious universities outside the Euroepan continent. IRLM supports students that plan to do part of the research for their final thesis in a foreign country through dedicated scholarships. In particular, students regularly enrolled can be admitted to the second year of the Master of Arts in International Affairs (MAIA) at the John Hopkins University - School of Advanced International Studies in Bologna.


The Placement Office of the University of Bologna is very active and organizes an annual Career day for Unibo students and graduates. There, students can meet national and international companies and participate in real job interviews with HR personnel. Our tutors inform students monthly on possibilities for internships or jobs abroad and offer their counsel to match students' skills with prospective careers.