Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Relations

Expected learning outcomes



- the main existing theories on the evolution of the international system;
- transnational and supranational dossiers and global governance prospects;
- relationships and mutual influences between politics and the international economy;
- the evolution of war, its causes and effects, and conflict prevention and management models.

The knowledge and understanding abilities listed above are achieved through active participation in lectures, exercises, seminars and personal study (guided by the indicated and autonomous bibliography) within the framework of the educational activities activated.
The verification of the achievement of the learning results takes place mainly through the final examination of each educational activity that can take place in written and/or oral form, or also through the preparation of individual and/or group papers and their oral presentation.


- the international economic system and the open macroeconomy;
- the main theories of the international economy;
- the economic logic of integration between countries;
- the functioning of the monetary and financial systems;
- the dynamics of economic growth and the links between political crises and international economic institutions.

The knowledge and understanding abilities listed above are achieved through active participation in lectures, exercises, seminars and personal study (guided by the indicated and autonomous bibliography) within the framework of the educational activities activated.
The verification of the achievement of the learning results takes place mainly through the final examination of each educational activity that can take place in written and/or oral form, or also through the preparation of individual and/or group papers and their oral presentation.


- the historical evolution of international relations from the Congress of Vienna to the end of the cold war;
- post-cold war international relations;
- the history of politics in the main western countries in the contemporary age;
- the use of violence in politics and society in the 20th century.

The knowledge and understanding abilities listed above are achieved through active participation in lectures, exercises, seminars and personal study (guided by the indicated and autonomous bibliography) within the framework of the educational activities activated.
The verification of the achievement of the learning results takes place mainly through the final examination of each educational activity that can take place in written and/or oral form, or also through the preparation of individual and/or group papers and their oral presentation.


- the evolution of the historical and political-institutional structures of a geopolitical area;
- the evolution of the process of European integration and institutionalization of global relations;
- international and comparative legal structures;
- the evolution of the main political concepts and the formation of the State.

The knowledge and understanding abilities listed above are achieved through active participation in lectures, exercises, seminars and personal study (guided by the indicated and autonomous bibliography) within the framework of the educational activities activated.
The verification of the achievement of the learning results takes place mainly through the final examination of each educational activity that can take place in written and/or oral form, or also through the preparation of individual and/or group papers and their oral presentation.

The graduate knows:
- the institutional system of the European Union and the political system of the main Member States
- the dynamics of European integration
- the main EU policy fields.

The knowledge and understanding abilities listed above are achieved through active participation in lectures, exercises, seminars and personal study (guided by the indicated and autonomous bibliography) within the framework of the educational activities activated.
The verification of the achievement of the learning results takes place mainly through the final examination of each educational activity that can take place in written and/or oral form, or also through the preparation of individual and/or group papers and their oral presentation.

The graduate knows:
- the written and oral use of English to a high level (B2);
- proficiency in a second language and, if necessary, in an additional language to that studied in the Bachelor's degree course.

The knowledge and understanding abilities listed above are achieved through active participation in lectures, exercises, seminars and personal study (guided by the indicated and autonomous bibliography) within the framework of the educational activities activated.
The verification of the achievement of the learning results takes place mainly through the final examination of each educational activity that can take place in written and/or oral form, or also through the preparation of individual and/or group papers and their oral presentation.


The graduate knows:

- the main techniques of bivariate and multivariate statistical analysis;
- explanatory models based on linear regression;
- the tools for analysing time series;
- computational models for simulating the activity of independent agents that produce systemic effects (agent-based modelling);
- network analysis.

The knowledge and understanding abilities listed above are achieved through active participation in lectures, exercises, seminars and personal study (guided by the indicated and autonomous bibliography) within the framework of the educational activities activated.
The verification of the achievement of the learning results takes place mainly through the final examination of each educational activity that can take place in written and/or oral form, or also through the preparation of individual and/or group papers and their oral presentation.


The graduate is able to:
- elaborate and/or apply original ideas, autonomously integrate knowledge and make judgements on the basis of limited or incomplete information in a research context and also with regard to new or unfamiliar issues embedded in broader (or interdisciplinary) contexts related to international political issues
- assessing, on the basis of knowledge in the historical, economic, political and legal fields, the specifics of different outbreaks of political or economic crises and alternative solutions.

Independent judgement is achieved through critical reflection on the texts proposed for individual study stimulated by classroom activities, the study of research cases proposed by the lecturers, bibliographic and field research, and the realisation of individual and/or group projects, foreseen in the political, economic and historical fields.
The assessment is carried out not only by means of the final examination for each course, which include the independent writing of a paper, but also by means of classroom exercises, also in groups, and problem-solving activities such as simulations involving the performance of specific tasks in which the student demonstrates mastery of tools, methodologies and critical autonomy.


The graduate:
- possesses an advanced level of linguistic competence in English (level B2 or higher) and in a second language in addition to Italian, which enables him/her to successfully support a discussion/debate;
- is able to express him/herself confidently through the use of specialised vocabulary from the historical-political-international disciplines.

Communication skills are particularly developed during the training activities that involve the preparation of reports and written documents and the oral presentation and class discussion of these. Knowledge of English is achieved through the study of texts in the language in the examination syllabus. The acquisition of the communicative skills listed above is also achieved through the activity carried out by the student for the preparation of the final exam and its discussion, during the eventual internship or participation in international mobility programmes. There is also no shortage of opportunities for international conferences at which the student is called upon to publicly present and discuss the contents of his research work in English. The student's communication and interpersonal skills are also strengthened by the acquisition of public speaking techniques.
The acquisition of communicative skills is verified through the assessment of the student's expository and argumentative skills within the framework of training and seminar activities, internships and the final examination, as well as through the evaluation of the reports and written documents prepared by the student within the framework of the individual activities that envisage them.
The acquisition of the four language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) as well as the compulsory attendance of lectures may be envisaged, according to criteria that will be specified by the course of study as it progresses, in line with the prescriptions of the academic bodies.
Finally, communication skills are expected to be developed in a multi-cultural and multi-linguistic context. The communicative style used by European and supranational institutions is considered a specific skill transmitted in the EA curriculum.


The graduate is able to:
- update and deepen their disciplinary skills on the basis of international research advances
- identify appropriate training tools and paths for the development of their cultural and specialist knowledge and professional skills
- find and use heterogeneous information sources of any origin and nature, grasping and interpreting the meanings, even implicit, of a given context
- develop personal contacts with other scholars and practitioners of international relations so as to establish an informal network of knowledge, updating and deepening the discipline
- develop contacts with the units, services and articulations of all the European institutions in the various policy areas in which they are active.

The learning capacity is achieved in the course of study as a whole, with particular regard to the planned individual study, the preparation of individual projects, and the activity carried out for the preparation of the dissertation.
The learning ability is assessed through forms of continuous verification during the training activities, by requiring the presentation of self-reported data, the elaboration of individual studies on topics assigned in the classroom, through the activity of supervision in the development of projects and through the evaluation of the capacity for self-learning gained during the preparation of written work and the dissertation.

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Corso di International Relations - codice 9084
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