Students are asked to read carefully the information below and all the other online resources before submitting their graduation application.
How: the application needs to be submitted online (proceed to the application process)
When: within the following deadline
- Postponing the final examination date within the same session
How: only online
When: within the following deadline
The application for the final examination is strictly linked to a specific date in that session. If you decide not to graduate on your assigned date please send an immediate cancellation request to the Student Administration Office ( from your institutional e-mail address. If the request is sent in due time the Student Administration Office will cancel your application and will allow you to send a different one within the deadline. No fees shall be charged in this case.
- Submitting a new application for future examination sessions
How: only online
When: within the following deadline
Students need to submit a new application for the next final examination session they wish to participate in. Stamp tax fees shall be charged for the new application. In the event of an increase in the graduation fees students should pay the difference. No additional fees are due.
Where: Studenti on line
Students need to upload their final theses in .pdf format on Studenti Online, together with an abstract of their work. No hard copy will be delivered to the Student Teaching Office anymore.
When: within the following deadline
How: upload the .pdf file online
The dissertation will cover a topic agreed with the thesis advisor at least four months before the examination session, and in any case, within the deadlines set by the degree programme regulations. Students may adjust the title within the deadline. However, they cannot change the field, the topic and the thesis advisor. Students should bear in mind that they will not be able to change the title once the thesis advisor has approved it.
Students usually choose the dissertation topic together with their thesis advisors. The choice of the research field must comply with the degree programme regulations and guidelines. Otherwise, the authorisation of the Degree Board is required. However, the topic should be consistent with the educational objectives imposed by the degree programme. If students decide to present a thesis proposal regarding a topic not covered by the courses in their degree programme they should first obtain authorisation from the Degree Board.
Students will defend their dissertation in front of a Degree Commission, of which the thesis advisor is a member. The dates are indicated in the deadlines document on this webpage.
The thesis advisor may appoint a co-examiner from among the members of the examination commission. The co-examiner will be informed at least 15 days before the dissertation defence day.
The date of discussion and proclamation, along with the announcement of the graduation results will be indicated on your Studenti OnLine portal.
Graduation conference call: how guests can join the call
In order to allow your guests to take part in the graduation remotely, click on the button “Ospiti” available in the Graduation procedure on Studenti Online. You will receive an email with the credentials that should be used to log in to Teams and access the graduation virtual room. These credentials can be used by multiple people at the same time. Only after, share the link included in the invitation.
The Student Administration Office will provide the commission with the statement of results (“statino di laurea” in Italian), which contains the weighted average (unrounded) of all previous exams prior to the final examination.
The weighted average relates grades to credits. Each grade is multiplied by the corresponding amount of credits; the products are added together and the sum is divided by the total number of credits. The result is multiplied by 110 and then divided by 30. The pass/fail exams are excluded from the average calculation.
The exam statement indicates only the weighted average of the exams passed during the 2nd cycle degree programme. Therefore, the exams that students passed during a 1st cycle degree programme and were subsequently recognized for the 2nd cycle degree programme study plans are excluded.
In the case of granting a maximum grade (110/110), the Board may also grant honours (lode) by unanimous decision.
The final examination for the master's degree consists of the writing and public discussion of an original thesis by the student, on a topic consistent with with the objectives of the course of study, under the guidance of a supervisor.
The dissertation must demonstrate mastery of the arguments, critical capacity, the ability to work independently and good communication skills.
The topic and structure of the final paper must be defined and agreed upon between candidate and supervisor.
- clarity: it is essential that the candidate's arguments be expressed in
sentences with a linear structure, without redundancies, with correct grammar and syntax. The linguistic style is appropriate to academic-scientific writing;
- completeness: it is necessary that all information useful for understanding the
candidate's thinking is presented accurately;
- theoretical soundness: it is essential that the topic under discussion is developed
through solid bibliographical research;
- methodological rigour: in the case of empirical studies, it is necessary to specify the methodological framework of the research and describe the research tools and techniques used.
The results are discussed in relation to the reference literature and bring elements of new conceptual and/or applicative understanding.
The supervisor - depending on the topic, research questions, method and techniques to be used in the final examination - may propose a specific structure for the thesis.
As an indication, the final thesis may take the following structure:
- Title page.
- Abstract and keywords.
- Table of contents. The table of contents lists the chapters, paragraphs and subsections into which the thesis is structured and the corresponding page number;
- Introduction. The introduction provides the reader, in a concise manner, with the key to the reading of the entire paper. What is the topic of the final paper? What were the initial hypotheses? What methodology / analysis tools / theoretical references were adopted? What difficulties were encountered (if any)? What confirmations (or denials of hypotheses)? What are the individual chapters about? What conclusions have been reached?
- Central part. This part is divided into chapters in which the chosen topic will be dealt with, organising the bibliographical materials found and one's own reflections on them in an organic and coherent manner, and any findings from the investigation conducted.
- Conclusions. The Conclusions contain the elements of synthesis on the work carried out,
especially with reference to what was initially set out to be done and possible future developments of the research.
- Bibliography. The bibliography contains a list of all the products (books, editions, articles, journal articles, other essays) consulted to compile the final dissertation and cited within the main text
Full bibliographical references should only be given in the bibliography.
Please, always refer to your supervisor for more specific indications regarding your dissertation.
The thesis score may range from a minimum of 0 (zero) points to a maximum of 6 (six) points.
The score refers to the thesis and its dissertation, not to the previous student career.
Evaluation criteria and awarding of points for Master's Degree Thesis combined with Professional Internship:
Within each bracket, the highest or lowest mark is awarded depending on the quality of the oral presentation and dissertation.
The final graduation grade is the simple sum of the average of the examinations and the final examination grade (excluding regularity points).
All degree points must be awarded (even 99 or 109).
Starting with students enrolled in academic year 2019/20, the number of "lodi" achieved in individual examinations is not directly taken into account when calculating the starting grade for the degree examination.
The 110-cum-laude is intended to reward candidates who present a particularly meritorious thesis and career. The Commission will assess all these elements.
* The type of thesis is agreed with the lecturer.
How to write a RILM thesis Guidelines 3.1.pdf
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